How can I make what I truly enjoy my life's Passion?

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Vladimir from Serbia and Montenegro had a great question:

"Results are only one important piece of the puzzle, but there's
one thing that I'm missing. You have to feel a strong desire to
do what you want. You must be "starving" for success. But how can
we make ourselves so passionate and enthusiastic? Some people say
that it's a pre-condition (to have this passion). I would
appreciate your advice."

No matter how many articles, ideas, books or tips you read, if
you don't have the enthusiasm to put them into action, it's of no
use at all. After all, someone can give you the tools, but it's
up to you in how you use them.

But how do you become passionate and full of energy? That's a
tough question to answer, but an important one!

You mentioned that it was a pre-condition, as though we're born
with the passion to succeed. In some ways, that's true, but what
about those people who went through tough struggles and huge
obstacles in their youth, but are extremely successful now? Or

how about people who once lacked ambition in one job, but were
rejuvenated when they changed their work environment?

There are a few questions to ask yourself to find your passions:

1. What do I really enjoy doing?
2. How can I make what I truly enjoy my life's passion?
3. Where do I want to be in 5 years? 10 years?
4. Am I on the right path to achieve my goal?

< True Your Find to Zone Comfort>

You have to believe in yourself and in what you're doing. Ask
yourself, am I doing what I'm "meant" to be doing? Sometimes you
have to think outside of your comfort zone to find your true

For example, let's say you love music. You play a few instruments
and you sing, but you don't feel that you'd enjoy being a
full-time musician. That doesn't mean you can't learn some of the
music technology and become an audio engineer, or a music
producer. Or how about on another level, what about working for a
music recording company, a music store, an instrument
manufacturer, teaching music, or starting your own music business

(for example, a music software company, a specialty CD store, or
find unique talent and becoming a marketer for their music). This
is just one way of using your hobby to expand your comfort zone
and create an opportunity for yourself.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

If you surround yourself with negative people, you're more likely
to become negative yourself. These types of people prefer to
focus on the mistakes and problems of the world instead of making
good use of their skills and ideas. They often lack enthusiasm
and are skeptical about anything positive.

One way that I found that I could develop my passion and work
ethic was to surround myself with people who were like-minded and
are often better than me. The enthusiasm that others have will
rub off on you and, before you know it, you'll be more motivated

Of course, there's no use in trying to succeed if you don't have
hope. No matter what challenging situations or environments you
find yourself in, having hope makes a huge difference. Hope
coupled with action might just be the spark you need to excel.

Best of luck!
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