Host a Great Halloween Quiz for Charity or Entertainment

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If you are having a bunch of friends around for Halloween, why not give them a Halloween Quiz? If you have a pub, bar or club, then advertise your Halloween Quiz and see the difference it makes to your visitors. Halloween is Fright Night and Monsters Inc. together, along with a bit of nostalgia and maybe a bit of Freddie - no, not Mercury, but Elm Street!

And that's what you get with a Halloween trivia quiz to make them happy, entertain them, but most of all to scare the pants off them! What better for a pub on October 31st than a great Halloween quiz - it's a Sunday night guys, and unless you offer something special you will lose them all to the discos and karaokes.

Give them something different with a Halloween quiz and offer some prizes. You can surely run to a bottle of spirits and one of wine for the winners and runners up, or maybe a few beers for the winning team. Also have a prize for the last team - the worst team - the booby. The booby prize could be a cake or a few packets of nuts each, but at least they something so everybody has an interest, even the dunces.

A Halloween quiz can save an otherwise quiet night, and while the youngsters are away to their Halloween parties and discos why not get their parents in for a great quiz night? There are few doubts that bar quizzes bring in customers. Many pubs survive because they have people coming in for their quizzes to make normal dead nights alive and earning money, and in this economic climate you have to try everything you can to get people through the door and buying drinks.

So don't make your quiz a short one. Make it last 2 - 3 hours, so you start around 7.30 -8.00 and finish around 1.000-11.00. That keeps the adults happy while the kids enjoy their parties. Of course, many kids love trivia quizzes, and you might find your bar absolutely chock full of people wanting to take part: make sure you have enough answer papers!

Seriously, you can thrill them with a Halloween quiz, and make it a really good night. That Sunday night on Halloween that you are dreading might turn out fabulous, or maybe you have no fears for Halloween night. Why should you? You likely have something organized. So why not add a quiz round or two every hour or so with prizes for the winners of each round.

There are loads of ideas you could come up with on Halloween, but a Halloween trivia quiz has always been extremely popular, and if you offer one this Halloween Sunday you are sure to have a whole bunch of people buying from you that you never seen in before.

That's the power of a great Halloween quiz. So get yourself organized for Sunday, 31st October and make sure you have your Halloween quiz night ready when they are all shouting for it.

More details on on a great Halloween Quiz just ready to present are available on Pete's website Quiz Guy, where you will also find information on trivia quizzes in general.

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