Home Remedies for Acne

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Acne is an inflammatory condition of the sebaceous glands. Usually, the lesions are located on the face, neck, chest and shoulders.

Acne usually occurs in adolescence due to hormonal changes that occur in that period. It's so much so that six out of ten young people between twelve and twenty years suffer some degree of acne.

However, it can also appear in women taking oral contraceptives or related to middle age and with normalization of bowel function.
In this regard, we present several traditional home remedies, widely used and popular home acne-fighting among which we mention the following:

Home Remedies for Acne

Home Remedy for acne # 1: You can cut a carrot of regular size and then cooked with a small amount of water. Then there is mashed and left to cool for stacking on the affected areas for about 20 minutes.

Home Remedy for acne # 2: Another remedy is mention of the application, several times a day, pulp aloe or aloe veraon acne pimples.

Home Remedy for acne # 3: In parts of Central America, squeeze a lemon and the juice is extracted one or two drops to be placed directly on or grains. This action can only be done at night since the day the lemon juice can stain the skin.

Home Remedy for acne # 4: In cases of adults who suffer from constipation recommended to combat this evil, because in this way disappear after acne. In this regard, recommended sage tea three times daily purifying effect

Home Remedy for acne # 5: Similarly, the garlic has been used to cure acne since ancient times. It should be rubbed with raw garlic several times a day over the area of the face where the acne is located. Garlic also helps clear the skin of blackheads.

Home Remedy for acne # 6: Another remedy widely used for skin problems, and especially acne that appears not only in the face but also in the rest of the body are baths Plantain. To do this, they should seek a handful of these leaves which must be boiled in 1 liter of water for 5 minutes. After that time, the decoction is strained and added to bath water.

Home Remedy for acne # 7: Soak a cotton swab or cotton-tipped applicator and apply alcohol directly on the pimple from acne. Alcohol has a strong drying action which will help to eliminate the grain, but we recommend only using it once a day.

Home Remedy for acne # 8: Soak for twelve hours a tablespoon of dandelion root in 1 / 4 pint of water. Boil, strain and drink in small sip.

Home Remedy for acne # 9: A natural remedy that we believe is a rather curiousplicate, morning and evening, on the affected area gauze pad soaked in their own urine or a small child.

Home Remedy for acne # 10: Peel a cucumber and then grate or cut into very thin slices and soak in rum. Apply to the affected areas for 20 minutes.

Home Remedy for acne # 11: Mix 1 / 2 cup of milk and three tablespoons of oatmeal, beat until thick, chill it before applying to the face for 15 minutes.

Home Remedy for acne # 12: Apply a paste made of baking soda mixed with vinegar diluted apple cider, and then complete a clean water rinse.

Home Remedy for acne # 13: Mix 7 drops of tea tree essence, 7 tablespoon tablespoon rosewood and 5 Lavender and pass this mixture with gauze over the skin previously cleaned with mild soap, colorless and odorless. Perform this action 2 to 4 times a day on the acne pimples.

Home Remedy for acne # 14: Place 1 tablespoon of comfrey leaf or root in a cup of water is boiling. Cover and let stand for 5 minutes. Strain and drink 3 cups a day. Comfrey contains allantoin which is credited with healing property to remove many skin conditions.

Home Remedy for acne # 15: Combine equal parts with sarsaparilla, burdock root, guaiac bark and dandelion root. Then, place 1 tablespoon of the mixture in 1 cup of water. Boil about 5 minutes and let rest 10. Take one cup a day.


Some health tips for those with acne:

People with acne should not exfoliate because further irritates the skin of the face.

Beware of fatty products If you have acne skin avoid thick moisturizers and cleansers that is based on oil if you have doubts about the compound, you must put the bottle of moisturizer or cleaner on the counter.

Another simple test that can be done to determine how much oil is in a cosmetic is to rub a little makeup on white bond sheet commonly used in offices. It is expected 24 hours and can then see an oily stain.

Prefer loose powder makeup Prefer the powder blushers and loose powders. The eye makeup and lipstick does not cause problems because acne usually does not affect those areas.

Having a diet of fruit and vegetables Avoid fatty foods and chocolates and, instead, you must switch to a diet which includes raw foods, especially fruits and vegetables, sprouted seeds and grains,

Perform facial saunas. People who suffer from acne can make facial saunas. They must cover his head with a towel and lean over a bowl of steaming tea from a mix of purple or red clover, lavender and strawberry leaves.

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Charles Silverman N.D., a Naturalist and Herbalist since
1979, is the author of the Home Made Medicine e-book and the http://www.dark-under-eye-circles.com/
Web site. Charles lives in Miami, FL and has dedicated a major part of his life
to the preparation of natural remedies and natural products to help people with
allergies and chemical intolerance. He has traveled around the world from Canada,
Germany, France, and India to the mountains of Peru and Argentina (South America)
researching and studying the different domestic species of herbs and plants.
His articles are published on several web sites like ezine articles.com and naturalhealthweb.com
and he is regularly interviewed by various publications and newspapers like the
Montgomery News of Alabama. All his knowledge has been transferred to his web
site and now to this amazing book, that takes advantage of the latest technology
in order to bring you the most complete guide for home healing ever made.
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Source: http://www.articleheaven.net/home-remedies-for-acne-1303335.html

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