Hollywood legend and political

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Arnold Schwarzenegger's stagger declaration that he was seeking the California Governorship brought to mind the many period Hollywood facts have been involved in politics. Here are various associated anecdotes:

Once actors first came to Hollywood there were signs put up in front of hotels and apartments that thought no dogs or actors permitted, with the performers repentantly complaining all but not getting top billing. The anxiety of the profession has approach through in opinionated campaigns. When Ronald Reagan successfully ran for ruler of California in 1966 one of the unrewarding tactics used by his opposition was a television mercantile featuring Gene Kelley stating," In films I played a gambler, a baseball player and I may possibly play a Governor but you wouldn't really like an actor to really be a ruler would you?"

Ronald Reagan at one period was such a Liberal Democrat he drove friends to disruption with his views. One day in the thirties he was driving a buddy home from work, yammering on about President Roosevelt's New Deal policies. Reagan who was near sighted and an erratic driver at most excellent, seemed unaware to road conditions. "Ronnie, watch out for that truck!" the buddy yelled. Missing an accident by a hair, Reagan continued," Truck drivers, that's who the New Deal will help!"

Like former President Reagan, Walt Disney claimed to be a Roosevelt New Dealer until a nasty worker's run into at his studio made him take a fine turn. Although he campaigned broadly for Republican candidates the cartoon maker kept friendly relations with the other piece. Walt loved giving private tours of Disneyland, and enjoyed having former president Harry Truman as his guest, even when his fellow Missourian turned down a ride on Dumbo: Too much Republican symbolism.

Another mogul, Louis B. Mayer the founder of MGM was a staunch Republican his entire life. Mayer never quite got over Franklin Roosevelt beating his good friend Herbert Hoover but accepted an invitation to meet the Democratic President at the White building in 1933. Immediately upon arriving in the Oval Office Mayer surprised Roosevelt by pulling a clock from underneath his coat and placing it on the President's desk. "What's that for, Mr. Mayer?" "Pardon me Mr. President. I heard you have the ability to have a man in your hip pocket after 18 minutes." Brandishing his long cigarette holder Roosevelt threw his head back and laughed, then began chatting with the film executive . He was startled when after seventeen minutes the mogul got up, grabbed the clock and left the room.

Another difficult encounter for the Roosevelt administration was with Shirley Temple. Hoping to get people's mind off the Great Depression the President was nonstop in praise of the moppet's movies saying that Americans should forget about their problems by paying fifteen cents to see "the smile of a little girl". Both Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt were so enamored they invited little Shirley and her parents to visit them at their private estate in Hyde Park, New York. In the limo Shirley received mixed messages from her Conservative parents. On the one hand they were thrilled to meet the President and his wife, but they also hated their Big Government policies. Upon their arrival Mrs. Roosevelt graciously asked Shirley if she would like something fixed on the barbecue. "Oh that would be wonderful," replied the child star. As Eleanor walked out back, the mischievous Shirley took out a slingshot, checked to make sure nobody was looking at what she was doing, and nailed the First Lady in the rear. The Secret Service came running at the sound of her shout, looked around the property for possible intruders but never thought about searching the angelic little movie star, who had skillfully hidden her weapon. Dinner passed pleasantly and the Temples returned to their hotel. Only then did Gertrude Temple tell her daughter that she had seen her naughtiness, and Shirley got walloped.

Many Hollywood facts wish to have others talk for them. When Marlon Brando won the conservatory Award for The Godfather (1972) he shocked the homeland by sending a Native American named Sacheen Littlefeather in his place, She used the international platform of winning the Oscar to blast the USA's conduct of her people( it turned out she was actually an imposter, she was actually a professional actress named Maria Cruz). There were many calls from the media for Brando to come out and state his views himself, but the reclusive star refused. One rumor had Brando sitting alone in his hilltop house watching John Wayne movies backwards so the Indians would win.

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