Hollywood Formula for Empowerment - It Works

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If Hollywood knows anything it knows its all about a story well told. And the key to any good story is authenticity. Your purpose is to fully express a story well told. Your story. And that story is yours alone. In that story you are the writer, director, producer and star.

If the writing is lame, your life is lame. If the directing is off, your life is off. If the production is sloppy, your life is sloppy. If the acting isn't believable, your life isn't authentic.

Too often, people show clothed in a fabricated version of themselves. Scared to let the world see them nakedly raw they:

- say what they think others want them to say. - do what they think is expected rather than boldly follow their hearts desire. - get in their own way of upping their game, what they produce and contribute. - shape shift themselves into a copy of what is already proven loveable.

If any of the above sounds familiar you are being led and pushed around in life by others or your own Inner Critic instead of being an Oscar winner caliber author, director, producer and star of the life you were born to live, create and enjoy.

When entertainment projects stall they either end up in the scrap heap or go into turnaround. If you're stalled or stuck in any area of your life - your relationships, career, personal and professional pursuits, here is the key to infuse your story with powerful authenticity.

1. Reclaim Your Truth - reconnect with your true essence, the one that's buried under the expectations and 'shoulds' of others.

2. Own Your Power - think, speak and act in alignment with that truth. Anything that is contrary to who you are and what you value is dismissed.

3. Command Your Stage - create and master your opportunities instead of allowing yourself to be a victim of your circumstance.

I'll admit it. Applying this formula is easier said than done. You have to hold yourself accountable to mindfully and actively implement that key each and every day. If you really want to up your game in a big way, I invite you to work with a trained and experienced coach. She will hold up the mirror when you're Finding Excuses And Reasons (FEAR) to fall back into old familiar patterns that no longer work for you.

"Who do you think you are, a superstar? Well, how right you are." - John Lennon

Claim your truth. Own your power. Command your stage. That's what I call Moxie. It's what you're here to do.


Valery teaches people to transform emotional coping behavior such as compulsive shopping, excessive cosmetic surgery, bitching, blaming, meaningless sex, stress and drama, into a meaningful life well lived from the inside out. Private exclusive confidential concierge level of service for her elite clientele. Free eBook SCREW Coping, LIVE!

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Inner Wealth Coach, Author and Speaker, Valery Satterwhite, helps affluent men and women reconnect with their greatest asset, themselves and what they value most, so that they can feel fulfilled and make a meaningful difference in the world. They create and enjoy wealth from the inside out as they serve the greater good of all including themselves. Get complimentary eBook at http://www.MoxieTherapy.com Latest book: Money Moxie: How to Transcend the Paradox of Privilege And Liberate Your True Worth

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