Himfr.com Reports China "more open" with refined media approach

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A top government spokesman said an increasingly confident China is poised to become more open to the world and take concrete steps next year to

build a "mass media system".

Wang Chen, director of the State Council Information Office, said the nation has also handled several crises over the past two years with more


Addressing a New Year reception of more than 300 representative from major world news agencies and overseas diplomats stationed in Beijing as well

as spokesmen from more than 40 central agencies, Wang said China is committed to provide a service for all journalists to ensure "comprehensive,

in-time and accurate" understanding of China during the coming year.

In 2009, China has experienced several major events, Wang said, such as the global economic crisis, the 60th anniversary of the People's Republic

of China, and the July 5 riot in the regional capital of the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, which resulted in the deaths of at least 197 people.

Wang said China has been delivering on the open and timely release of information, giving as an example that China took the initiative to organize

the foreign media to the riot-affected areas in Xinjiang to ensure open access.

After handling some public crises, "China has become more open and confident, and has made progress in media service," Wang told China Daily.

Wang said a major step will be undertaken next year to build up its modernized mass media system, which was already set in motion by the central

government this year.

The soft power of an open and democratic China should match its developing economy, and that demands constant progress, said Wang.

The State Council Information Office will continue to enhance communication with the rest of the world of a civilized, open, democratic China, said


To build a "modern mass media system", major news agencies in the country will set up new branches, including two foreign language TV channels by

China Central Television next year, according to Wang.

Jaime FlorCruz, chief reporter with the Beijing bureau of CNN, said the constant efforts made by the Chinese government to improve its media

management have yielded progress during the recent years.

The office will also strive to enhance mutual understanding and trust with the media and governments by carrying out diversified forms of

cooperation, including sending media delegation and holding bilateral forums, said Wang.

In one recent instance toward that direction, China will send a media delegation to India, its giant neighbor which has more often than not been

labeled as major competitor of China despite the fact that they have collaborated closely on many occasions.

"The two countries are both emerging powers and have their own advantages. If we can work together, it will be conducive to world peace and bliss,"

said Wang.

Dr S. Jaishankar, Indian ambassador to China, said since good relations between the two counties have been badly projected by the media, he

welcomes strengthened communication between the two.

For David Wivell, senior producer of TV news from Associated Press's Beijing bureau, he doesn't need to guess what the Chinese government is doing


"It used to be that China is doing something and the rest of the world has to guess what China is up to, but now the world could know exactly what

China is doing due to its more and more transparent reporting environment," Wivell told China Daily at the reception.

"The Chinese government has definitely been more open with foreign media this year, it has learnt to be proactive when dealing with crisis and

incidents," he added.

He also said the foreign press can now get valuable and creditable information by interviewing government officials and people on the street.

Wivell is not the only foreign reporter feeling the changes.

Sumihiro Yamazaki, chief of the Beijing bureau of Japan's Fuji Television, said he saw improvement in China's attitude towards reporters when one

of his colleagues was invited by authorities to visit the Xinjiang in July to cover the deadly riot.

Some 150 reporters from more than 80 media organizations had arrived in Urumqi two days after the riot to cover the event.

More than 700 foreign reporters are currently working in China.

"We understand that openness stems from confidence, rumors are stopped by truth, by the rapid and wide dissemination of truth," Wang said earlier.

However, some foreign reporters still demand for a more open and transparent environment for foreign media.

Fuji Television's Yamazaki said there is still potential for China's local governments to be more open with foreign media.

"The Foreign Ministry can understand our requests, but the problem lies with the local governments. Their departments for foreign affairs think


"Sooner or later, foreign reporters will hold interest in every tiny corner of China."

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