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Identifying what things in your life might be of interest to others, and writing them in a style which others would find entertaining is a challenge many writers fail to meet. Yet this is exactly what author has done in his all new utterly hilarious book of car related misadventures called ‘The Karmic Car cycles'.

The universally themed book titled, ‘The Karmic Car Cycles', is a hilarious romp of car related misadventures by the author/protagonist. The book hits the ground running and is still running at the end. Having led one of the wackiest, most unusual, and so far unlikely lives on the planet, the author romps through these awesome and oftentimes unbelievable Karmic Car adventures at the rate of about ten laughs a second.
God giveth and the car taketh away. The car giveth and ‘The Man' taketh away. Who among us has not been there and had that happen.
You know how it works. You win a lotto and your car responds by blowing an engine. You fine tune your car and forthwith get a ticket for going a mile an hour over the speed limit. You buy a brand new car and immediately run over a nail coming off the lot. So what's going on? It's simple according to author, you have a Karmic Car Cycle going on.

The universally themed book titled, ‘The Karmic Car Cycles', is a hilarious romp of car related misadventures by the author/protagonist. Having led one of the wackiest, most unusual, and so far unlikely lives on the planet, the author romps through these awesome and oftentimes unbelievable Karmic Car adventures at the rate of about ten laughs a second.
Everyone knows how Karma is supposed to work. The things you do which are good for others go into the ledger as good Karma. The things you do which are not so good go into the ledger as bad. If all goes well, eventually the ledger will be evened out and you're off the hook.
Ergo, in the present case about cars, if you did something involving your car which was bad for the car or others, the Karma is bad. If the thing you did was good, the Karma is good. Only the Karma isn't related to the universe of higher spiritual beingness, it's related to the universe of things powered by oil.
Given this simple premise, you can now explain just about every untoward adventure you have ever had relating to your car, or to the cops, or to a judge, or to just about anything else related to the subject because it now makes sense. You had a Karmic Car Cycle going on.

In the absolutely hilarious, easy to follow, true to life but tongue in cheek routings of the author's Karmic Car Cycles throughout the book, the picture is unfolded brilliantly.
For example, you once deliberately ran a red light, clucking proudly to yourself because you figured you had just pulled the fast one of the century and no one was looking. The problem is according to the author, the Gods of cars are always looking and don't really like anyone messing around with one of their own. Then you get an absolutely stupidly absurd traffic ticket one day. No mystery there claims the author. You had some bad Karma in your Karmic Car Cycle to blow off and the ledger needed balancing.
Or you go to court intending to plead not guilty to a simple traffic infraction. Things go south and you end up spending ten days in jail for contempt of court. What the heck happened there? Simple, you had inadvertently loaded yourself up with a pile of untoward Karmic Car Cycle predicaments and were merely coughing up a payback according to Livingstone.
Crazier than Pecos Bill, more impossible than Baron Munchausen's tall tales, the universally themed ‘Karmic Car Cycles' is the wildest most unlikely romp of life misadventures you will ever likely encounter. More incredibly they're all true and the author is right in the middle of them.
Who else would drive five hundred miles in a raging blizzard only to discover no nut was holding the steering wheel to the steering column?
Who else would stall their car on a railroad crossing and a Great Northern Commuter train was barrel ass-ing down at sixty miles an hour.
Who else would decide to blade run with a six month suspended driver's license, only to get pulled over for a missing taillight less than seven hours into the caper?
Who else would find themselves completely ringed by fourteen cops in seven different cop cars including a full sized paddy wagon with double tires in back, all over a simple misunderstood traffic sign?
These are just the tip of the iceberg. There are hundreds and hundreds of ‘bin there did that wished I hadn't' stories in the ‘Karmic Car Cycles'. Most stories are the author's. The rest belong to others but are of the same mould, namely a Karmic Car Cycle was going on.
All of the stories are hilarious, unlikely, or just plain completely crazy, covering every walk of life from soup to nuts. Some of the experiences are so outright unbelievable that it is almost impossible to imagine that they are also all one hundred percent true.
The author has also gone to great lengths to write each such unseemly adventure as humorously as possible. The result is one of the most fun filled and entertaining books you will find in any genre, a must read on everybody's list of things to do.
This should give you an idea about what the book is all about. You can't escape the reality. Every thing you do in your car that's bad eventually requires a pay back. The Gods of cars never miss a beat and will sometimes wait for years for the opportune moment to sling it back at you when you least expect it. They also keep perfect score. Oh yes, and one more little thing. The Gods of cars are in cahoots with Murphy.
Hang on to your hat because you're in for a wild ride. The ‘The Karmic Car Cycles' hits the ground running and doesn't stop until the very last sentence. If you have not read any other book in your entire lifetime for good laughs or just plain fun, do yourself a favour and read this one. Hint, if you're a lover of animals, all the more reason for treating this book as a gold stock winner.

About the Author - Cliff Livingstone has been a dilettante entrepreneur most of his life with an abject interest in Spirituality. He is author of an uproariously funny six book set of memoirs called, 'The CliffR Project' (See www.cliffr.com), plus one the world's easiest to navigate all new novel humor websites at www.wholelook.com, plus an all new version of Wholelook with parts still under construction called www.lookwhole.com.

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