High Tech Helping Hands in Haiti

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The political world is active. Economies are uncertain. Public trust is vanishing. Individuals feel at risk. And social structures wear thin. However, as Mother Nature recently displayed her vengeance and supremacy in extraordinary and powerful ways in the country of Haiti, we have seen an outpouring of human kindness and self sacrifice.

People are putting aside their day-to-day position and concerns on these issues and are truly reaching out to help. The moral basis of civility is the Golden Rule. This ethic of reciprocity reminds us all of our responsibility toward one another and reinforces the communal nature of human life.

By joining hands and working together to help this impoverished country we can eliminate the weakness of one standing alone and substitute for it the strength of people working together. When a spirit of goodwill prompts our thinking and when united effort goes to work on a common problem, the results can be most gratifying. Civility becomes the measure of our collective and individual character as citizens of a democracy.

Our responsibility to work together on this problem will not be a short term effort. The Red Cross has estimated that approximately 3 million people will require aid ranging from food, shelter, and clean water and this aid will most likely be needed for over a year.

The Red Cross said that one of their struggles will be to rescue those that are stranded under the buildings and concrete. With the help of cell phones some victims who have been stuck under this debris have even been able to call for help and direct people to their location.

This same technology has allowed money to get into the hands of The Red Cross instantly, so that they can get the supplies they so badly need. With the use of Twitter, Facebook, email, cell phones, and blogs, the world has become very small. The word has spread quickly and has shown how to simply text their donations. It will be amazing to see how much The Red Cross will be able to collect by so many sending just $10.

Jordan Crouter

cell: 949-310-6998

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I am on a personal MISSION to empower all of you frustrated stuck entreprenuers & give you the strength, courage & support to finally turn all of your dreams into reality!

I have been an entrepreneur my whole life. I was the kid mowing my friends’ lawns for money. I couldn’t believe my friends’ parents were paying me $60 dollars per month for only 4 hours of work per month. That’s $15 bucks per hour as a 12 year old, almost 20 YEARS AGO! It’s scary to say, but how many people do you know today that would apply and readily take that kind of pay today as an employee.

I consider my lawn mowing days my first successful business venture as an Entrepreneur. Unfortunately somewhere along the journey I lost that Entrepreneurial belief in myself & started believing what every one else was teaching me! “Go to School”, “Get a good Job”, & “Find a good company to work for”. So I did that! I took a great job with a great company. I was set! I had the great job with a great company & was making a great mid six-figure income. I had clawed & worked my way to Vice President of a $52 million dollar company and was set to take it over one day. The only problem was it was destroying me physically and wrecking havoc on my family. Sound familiar, anyone!

Well, I physically hit the wall. I was working 16+ hours per day, sleeping at the office 2-3 times per week, pounding energy drinks like crazy...and then finally my body told me no more and shut down. I was diagnosed with Bacterial meningitis and spent (7 WEEKS in intensive care unit) and nearly died! I was such a brainwashed employee my brain basically overheated and blew a head gasket…..literally!

During the 7 weeks in ICU I had (2) brain surgeries and plenty of time to ponder life & my family.

Unfortunately it took me (2) brain surgeries and (1) near death experience for me to realize something had to change.

I finally started asking questions like an Entrepreneur again.

-How long can I sustain this?

-If I don’t show up to work, will I get paid?

-Why do my coworkers bring me down so much?

-Why don’t I have freedom to come & go?

The little boy (entrepreneur) mowing lawns was BACK!

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