Healthy Urban Cookbook

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FACT - You will never get healthy or lose weight untill you learn the BASICS of healthy cooking.
And Guess What? It's Much Easier Than You Think!

Actually, the simplicity is what blows people away. You really don't have to be an Iron Chef to whip up super delicious and healthy meals! But you do need to know the basics cooking and the TRUTH about what the best foods are.

There is TONS of mis-information on 'healthy eating' in the media and most of it is nothing more than marketing materials from mega food corporations who have most people, doctors and dieticians, fooled into following a corporate eating plan that is literally making Americans fat, sick, depressed and diseased. It's like the blind leading the blind!

Some of the foods recommended in Healthy Urban Kitchen are totally opposite to what we have been led to believe are good for us!

Most of the so-called ‘healthy' cookbooks are anything but healthy! They use unhealthy ingredients and cooking techniques that are downright dangerous!

Most 'healthy' or 'light' cooking books & magazines use highly processed oils that cause bio-chemical imbalances!
Even 'celebrity' chefs use cooking methods that destroy nutrients and promote cancer and heart disease...
They don't come with real Nutrition or Fat Loss Guidelines...

Most are written by people who love to cook and have awesome cooking techniques, but are not health and nutrition experts!!!
Most cookbooks are way too complicated and use to many artifical or obscure ingredients!

As the world financial and energy crisis intensifies, more people are cutting back on eating out and staying home to cook their own meals. Restaurant meals in America cost about 3 times what it takes to make a similar meal at home. Green markets are popping up all over the place and more people are aware - now more than ever - of the impact our food choices have on our planet.

Healthy Urban Kitchen gives you the best websites and tons of resources so you can connect with local farmers, green markets, CSA's (community supported agriculture), local Weston A. Price groups and other community groups that make it easy to get fresh, local organic and grass fed foods while supporting your local economy.

We want you to get healthy, enjoy cooking, burn fat and achieve your dream body. It can be done and it's much easier than you may think! By applying the action steps in Healthy Urban Kitchen and getting on the blog to ask questions, you will become a success story and others will be inspired by YOU.

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