Healthcare now, amnesty next: Good for the country or vote tallying for 2012?

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With amnesty looming on the horizon isn't it more about prepping voters for Obama's second term come 2012?

Huge voting blocs exist today that can swing an election to one side or the other. Some of these communities are being birthed at this very moment and it would be folly to ignore them in the elections of 2010 and 2012 respectively. What are they: let's do the math?

Barack Obama has promised to take up the issue of illegal immigrants as his next order of business. If amnesty is on his mind then the possibility of adding twelve million voters to the already powerful Latino bloc of voters is staggering. If amnesty is seriously considered then there is little doubt that eight to twelve million votes will be cast for the person and the party that engineered the free citizenship pass.

It is hard to imagine that after committing a felony by entering this nation illegally that the reward for this is; free citizenship. As ridiculous as this may sound, we mustn't forget that this administration just passed a 9 trillion dollar healthcare bill in a country that is on the verge of bankruptcy. That alone is a stern reminder that we must not take anything for granted.

What kind of legislative lunacy does it take to enforce the law that strips Americans who are convicted of a felony of their freedom and their right to vote but, then give foreigners who have committed a felony both freedom and the right to vote? Many of our legislators have degrees in law or political science so we can only guess that they may have missed the lectures on the equitability of the law. You know; it's what the rest of us call fairness.

Although the healthcare bill passed in the house Sunday March 21, 2010, we will not see people added to the rolls until 2014. Specific benefits provided for in this bill will probably be announced to at least some of the 32 million people who are going to be covered. If constitutional challenges to the bill and states resistance to many of its provisions don't stifle the full impact of the legislation; then we can safely say Mr. Obama has potentially secured himself a possible 32 million votes from this bloc.

Although it is said that the phrase "A chicken in every pot" was erroneously attributed to Herbert Hoover, it was used in the Republican Party's campaign in 1928. It was actually used to proclaim that Americans had prospered under the previous republican administration rather than as a promise. It connotatively morphed into a promise. It jogged millions of Americans and such promises still do, to this day.

Freebies still draw people like a magnet and unlike his predecessors Barack Obama has put meat on these bones with something tangible for 32 million uninsured and possibly another 12 million folks without a country. When the simple math is added to predictable human nature, a possible 44 million votes could fall to the Dem's and the incumbent President in both the 2010 mid-terms and the 2012 presidential races.

Another phrase that keeps popping up today is "drink the kool aid" with full deference and respect to the makers of a product we all loved as children (some adults still do) it is also the connotation of this phrase that has become so abhorrent. It was the deadly antics of Jim Jones we all remember; he was able to convince many of his followers to do things they might never have done, like follow him to a country (Guyana) that they probably didn't even know existed prior to meeting Jones. After that it was down the slippery slope of misguided behavior all the way up to the day over 900 people drank the deadly mix of kool aid and poison.

We use this phrase but, how many of us have ever considered how this tragedy came about? The answer is amazingly simple. Jones didn't draw in disciples who were willing to surrender themselves to the gospel or give themselves in service to others. He did pay the bills, the rent, and the mortgage plus buy groceries for hundreds of them well before their exodus to South America. Who could resist this preacher of the social gospel who actually helped them on a social level and in real time?

The giveaways were the lure, the draw, which baited the lurking penchant to get something for nothing that is ever present in the lower nature of human kind. That "something for nothing," inevitably cost them everything.

That tragic scenario can be used metaphorically for what is happening in our nation today but, sadly it is several levels above a metaphor for millions of people who may not understand the mechanics or even the definition of socialism yet, they know full well what it means to get "something for nothing." The only kool aid they will ever be asked to drink is to get up and vote for those who provided the freebies.

Up to now we have examined the result of a bit of simple addition but let's not forget what a little division can produce. If conservatives do not strongly unite behind the best possible candidate, that too, will wreak havoc on the outcome of the 2012 election.

The independents', libertines and the floaters will be great to have onboard but, they alone cannot offset the votes of the freebie crowd. Tea Partiers can be expected to support any real conservatives but if they put forth their own candidate it could split the vote and produce what is now well known as "the Ross Perot effect." Any serious conservative candidate should recognize the powerful work of the Tea Partiers and seek their support but, if history is any teacher they must not run as a third party (Tea Party) candidate.

The popularity of a candidate is perhaps the most serious matter to consider in this climate of pop star frenzied Americans. Yes, I am being somewhat facetious but, let's never forget that Barack Obama was wildly popular but as the last two years have shown he is anything but Presidential. In 2008 voters thought McCain was too pooped to pop and, believed Obama was to pop to stop; now we must commit to finding, who da bess to clean up da mess.

We should cash in on the some of the dazzle of popularity with the honest, admirable and ultimate goal of acquiring what is best for the country. Sarah Palin would fill this requirement to the letter. She is popular with many Americans, grounded in conservatism and, has the unique distinction of being a woman. We had our first black President and now we can say "been there, done that." Now it may be time for our first female President. All the elements in this little math problem can be said to; "add up."

Whether it is "Palin in 2012" or someone else entirely, here is one further simple math revelation if you are a praying American. One plus one in God's economy can add up to a benefit for 300 million others. Not possible you say; consider this.

"Again I say unto you, that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven." (Mt 18:19)

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