Has Science Found A Cure For Gray Hair?

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One morning you wake up and discover a strand or two of gray hairs have worked their way into your locks. The sudden feeling of age strikes you as you look into the mirror, deciding whether or not to simply pull out the nasty little strands.

Folklore and legend indicates pulling out one strand will only lead to twice as many returning. In truth, the number of gray hairs will increase regardless, since you hair colour naturally loses its pigmentation over time, leaving only white or gray strands of new growth. That's just the way nature is.

In America, over 40% of the population will have the onset of gray or even white hair before they reach the age of 40. Premature graying is often hereditary, although sometimes environmental factors and poor diet can accelerate the problem. Myths surrounding the causes of gray hair are abundant. Wearing hats will make you gray earlier. Not enough sun, too much sun, over-brushing, using certain types of combs, treated water in swimming pools and a host of other variables are reported to increase your chances of having gray hair.

Before you go to extremes to try and avoid the mythical causes of gray, keep in mind, it's inevitable. However, there has been some suggestions that science may be working on a way to prevent your hair from losing it's natural colour.

A medication used to treat patients suffering from leukemia, also reportedly returned colour to previously gray hair. Having stumbled upon this side effect by fluke, scientists are now attempting to isolate the specific component that restores the hair to its natural colour. While it will probably be some time before this formulation can be safely marketed to the graying consumer, it gives us hope to know that someday even gray hair can be cured.

In the interim, since you can't avoid the loss of colour in your hair, why not have some fun with it? Experiment with bold colours, highlights or even wigs. Or go all in with gray and use it to create a sophisticated and regal type of style for yourself. You may not welcome the onset of gray hairs, but at least it's one sign of aging you can easily do something about.

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