Halloween Flicks

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Copyright (c) 2010 Michael Jozwiak

Welcome horror fans. It's that time of year again when we dig up our Halloween favorites! This year I thought about sharing some new classics. Those scary movies that recently have made the top lists.

Now everyone already knows about the classics like the original "Halloween", "The Shining", "The Exorcist" and "A Nightmare on Elm Street".

How about covering the movies that have recently become classics. Whether scary, gory or downright disturbing, these movies have made a name for themselves.

In no particular order, my first selection would have to be the "The Blair Witch Project". The story is about three college students that travel to a fictional town in Maryland called Birkittsville to research the horrific myth of the Blair Witch.

They end up disappearing and a year later their film footage of their research is recovered. Were they victims of the Blair Witch? Did they meet a bunch of crazy locals that tracked them through the woods? No one knows for sure.

But they are still missing. The crazy part for me is I'm from Maryland and we used to go and party waaay out in the countryside late at night.

There was this particular area called "Blunt Road" where a so called devil worshipping was practiced. We used to find stick figures carved into the trees and hanging from branches.

It was pretty eerie! A symbol of some sort. Anyway, I noticed them in the movie which made it all the scarier! My next recommendation would be "The Others" with Nicole Kidman.

This story takes place in an old mansion where a woman and her two children begin to sense other inhabitants sharing the house. When she hires three servants, things start to get out of control.

This movie leads you in one direction to only get completely turned upside down at the end. You will question your own sanity after this one. Another movie I found surprisingly scary was "The Changeling" with George C. Scott.

This 1980's film is about a music composer that rents out an old house in Colorado after the passing of his family. His intention is to compose music again, but something in the house has other plans for him.

There were several scenes that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up! Things that go bump in the night have nothing on the bumps he hears at night. "Paranormal Activity" is based on true events that took place in San Diego, CA.

After moving into a new home, a woman senses a disturbing feeling while asleep. Her husband attempts to comfort her by proving that it's nothing and all just her imagination by installing a video camera in their bedroom to record them sleeping.

Well the recording suggests something else. You'll jump and probably have some trouble sleeping for a few nights after watching the movie! Rob Zombie's "House of 1000 Corpses" is another film that although entertaining, is actually disturbing.

Two couples traveling through the sticks down in Texas find themselves victims of a colorful and psychotic family of serial killers. The characters alone are worth the time.

My favorite is Captain Spaulding, the killer clown! This movie has quickly become a cult classic! I laughed, I covered my eyes and became an instant fan!

So check out these frightfully good movies for this Halloween!


Get a good early scare from my story, find many more great stories on some all time favorite movies

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