Go Green Today

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The big topic for discussion today are ways that we all can contribute to our planet in the hopes we can improve the situation. Of course we have learn all the little ways we can help. Things such as recycling or purchasing a hybrid vehicles are two different options we can all take. But what about things we can do that play a much larger role. Things that will change your lifestyle significantly and suddenly. If you have this dedication, we have outlined a few huge steps we can take to better protect our environment.

Sell Your Car
You may have already purchased a hybrid oar electric vehicle. If you really want to make a statement sell your mode of transportation. Some larger cities like New York and San Francisco have public transportation that will allow you to live your life normally without a car. A new program called ZipCars was introduced recently. It allows someone to rent a car for a few hours so you can complete some important errands like purchase groceries or go to the physician or travel to the suburbs. Not only will these options reduce the emissions you put upon the environment, you will save money as you will not have to purchase car insurance, gas, and other costs that are associated with keeping a car.

Go Green In Your Home
Many home builders are installing solar power capabilities in the homes that use the free energy produced by the sun. Although it is more expensive, you can even run your entire home on solar energy. If this is not in your pocketbook, there are renewable energy sources that you can use that are a much better option than regular energy produced by your local power company.

Buy Organic
All of us are familiar with organic foods. These types of foods don't have the chemicals used on normal food products today. Your body will thank you for this. But what about clothes and electronics. Organic cotton is being used to produce clothes today. Some common stores like Target have slowly introduced organic electronics on their shelves. 
And your purchases will help organic farmers too.

Move Into An Apartment
Although there is plenty of land in the United States, we should mimic counties like Japan who use their land much more efficiently. If you live in an Houston medical Center apartment you will be using much less space and save the space your home would take up. Also all the energy and water you use will be less too.

These are some major changes in your life that will help preserve the environment today in your Baytown apartments.

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Source: http://www.articleheaven.net/go-green-today-1025153.html

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