Gift the Eco-Friendly Way!

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Gifts and the act of gifting foster a sense of bonding between people and are an essential touch point in our lives. Be it between relatives, friends or acquaintances. It symbolizes trust and affection and one tends to choose gifts very carefully bearing in mind the recipients likes. Now, wouldn't it be great if the gift you buy positively touches the lives of the producer & the environment besides being loved by the recipient?

That is what Eco-friendly gifts are all about! These are gifts that are truly safe for both us and the environment.

Still wondering why Eco-friendly gifts are so important? Here is the answer. It is up to us to do our part to make this world a better place to live in. We are bombarded with news of global warming, aerial pollution,depleting natural resources, and so many other facts that are detrimental to the earth. For this reason, it is imperative that something be done to stop or significantly reduce this destruction of our planet. An Eco-friendly lifestyle could work wonders. We could curb our usage of the family car to cut down on pollution,we could stop throwing out plastics and toxic computer parts into the garbage...there is a lot that we can do on a personal level. However, it would be so much greater if we could spread the Eco-friendly philosophy. Presenting Eco-friendly gifts is one way of doing this.

There are a number of Eco-friendly gifts that one could choose from. Among the most common are bags and totes or even clothes made of natural or recycled materials. Hemp is an excellent Eco-friendly material for all gifts.This plant is easily grown and can be used to make a number of products. Dolls for children can be environmentally friendly too, for example when the stuffing and covering are made from organic cotton. It should be kept in mind that all cotton is not Eco-friendly. Non-organic cotton uses almost a quarter of the world's pesticides in its cultivation.

Bamboo furniture is an excellent gift option. Besides being completely environmentally friendly, bamboo furniture is sturdy and light. Wood furniture is also a good idea. However, wood involves cutting of trees. This felling of trees can adversely affect the environment in the long run causing forest depletion. Forest depletion in turn could harmfully influence the global climate. So, bamboo scores higher than wood when it comes to being Eco-friendly.

There is such a variety of gifts that are Eco-friendly. Short of ideas? Just pick up one from many of the environmentally friendly gift baskets available. Let's spread the message of a green earth. Many Eco-friendly products can be picked up from WorldofGood by eBay.

Author's bio :

Jennifer Lobo is an environmental activist and a professional freelancer who regularly contributes articles enlightening people on the benefits of using gifts that are Eco-friendly. You can find more information about Eco-friendly gifts on by eBay.

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