Geothermal Heat Pump – a green and cost effective technology

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A Geothermal heat pump a ground source heat pump uses earth's natural heat to circulate between networks of pipes fitted several feet below the earth's surface and the heat pump fitted inside the house, to provide air conditioning. Mostly using renewable energy from the ground, these ground source heat pumps provide the most durable, comfortable, cost effective and environment friendly technology.

The word geothermal originates from two Greek words "geo" which mean earth and "therme" which heat. Therefore it is a renewable source of energy emanating from the ground. A Geothermal heat pump works on the principal that in winters, it moves the heat from the earth into the home whilst in summers the apparatus discharges the heat of your home into the ground. Heat flows from higher temperatures substances to lower temperature substances and the earth traps as much as half the energy of the sun received by it. A ground source heat pump utilizes this energy stored in the earth or water bodies to provide heating. Ground source heat pumps use the earth as a source of energy in winters and as a heat sink in summers. A geothermal heat pump transfers the heat from the water to the air and thus it functions as an air conditioner.

As it relies on renewable source of energy a geothermal heat pump or ground source heat pump is much for efficient in heating and cooling the spaces and water than an electric heater is. This enables you to cut utilities bills by as much as 70%.

Using the relatively constant temperature of the ground several feet below the earth's surface for heating and cooling, geothermal heat pumps are appropriate both for retrofit and new houses. A large number of geothermal companies and geothermal pump contractors are there and you can easily get a geothermal heap pump installed in your home.

The basic components of a ground source heat pump include a loop field, a liquid pump pack and a water source heat pump. The loop field can be placed on your home, enabling it to discharge heat into the ground or move the earth's heat into your home. The size of the loop depends upon the size of the building. The liquid pump pack is used to send the water whilst the water source heat pump is more like a boiler.

Geothermal heat pumps are used both for residential and commercial purposes and therefore there are three types of ground source heat pumps available.

Installation of a geothermal heat pump involves high costs but the costs are returned in 5 to 10 years in the form of energy savings. Ground source heat pumps provide high-comfort and energy efficiency, and do away with hot and cold spots. The estimated life span of a geothermal heat pump is around 25 years whilst its components like ground loop piping last around 50 years.

Geothermal heat pumps are not only cost effective and energy efficient they also save our environment from threats like air pollution and global warming.

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