Games and Life - part 2

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Games and Life -part 2
By Coach John Daly July 3, 2009

The other part of my story with playing golf the other day with my dad happened even before I got out to his house. When I was leaving that morning, I stopped at 7-11 for some coffee. As I was getting mine, a lady came in and was upset that they changed her favorite flavor of the cappuccino. She walked out disgusted and I thought as to what her day was going to be like. How could she get so upset because of her coffee? I love coffee and at times I think it's too much. But I know that would not really be a reason for me to get too upset.

I mentioned something to the clerk about it and he said, "that's nothing, awhile ago, we had a guy come in and yell at the owner because we did not have any of the chocolate creams for his coffee!"  We both agreed that there are far more important things in life to get worked up about compared to coffee. I know most people see lessons like that all the time in our day to day activities and travels. There are constant lessons for all of us to learn from, every day, wherever we go. It's just so important for us to pick up on those lessons. Like I tell my students and players - watch, look and listen. You can learn so much from others and that means that we don't have to make the same mistakes we see others making.

By the way, the clerk greeted me with a very positive attitude and a "Good morning.  How are you doing?" So I knew that he caught the same thing that I did. I retold the story to my dad as we were playing the 10th hole. We had both lost a couple of shots.  I lost 2 balls and he lost 1. We both had to use the drop area then we both proceeded to miss the green. Another lesson hit me again. As frustrating as golf is (for me at least), it's a great, great game. Not only can anyone play the game, really at any age; but it offers such great life lessons. This time it got me thinking the best way to approach playing golf is just like life. You have to have humble attitude along with watching your ego. Golf is very humbling. It teaches you to not get too worked up about little things (like coffee). It's a learning experience, just as life is. We should learn from our mistakes on the course and in life.

If I ever get to thinking that, "hey, this game isn't so tough" or 'hmm, I'm pretty good at this game'; the game, just as life, will bring you to your knees. My dad and I agreed that we both understood that point. We also agreed that it was a good thing we enjoyed the company we were playing with too. Do what you can to learn from wherever you are and whatever you are doing. Learn from others. Keep in mind things that are really important in life. Look for these little success and leadership principles in your day. Get in touch with me to share your stories. 

Copyright Coach John Daly, 2009

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