Fusion Hair Extensions and Is It Right For You

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Fusion is a technique used for applying hair extensions. This application method has become very popular in recent times. This hair and application method is used to give you the sense of style and beauty that you crave. There are quite a number of unanswered questions that many people have about this application process and as such, many people are left confused as to whether they should use this technique when they are getting hair extensions. There are different forms of fusion hair extensions on the market; therefore, it is essential that you do some research in order for you to find the one that is right for you.

Before we focus on how this particular hair extension is applied, let us look on what is described as the best type of fusion hair extension on the market.

Flat Hair Fusion

The flat hair fusion is a very popular form of hair fusion and one that is used and loved by hair artists all over the world. This type of fusion hair extension has been described as simply amazing and it is a fusion that is designed with square tips and comes with very small strands that, of course, are very flat. This is how this particular extension got its name because it is unlike the other hair fusions that are round in design. This form of fusion has been described as durable and one of the most advanced and well designed hair fusion extensions on the market. The durability of this extension comes in its shape, flat and square, which means that the micro links will trap less hair products and water.

If you love to style the extra hair on your head as if they were your own, you will love the flat hair fusion because they are made to withstand heat and other elements. The design of this hair means that there will be no shedding when you brush or blow dry. These human hair extensions are preferred by many and if you are searching for the ideal extension, this type comes highly recommended.

Fusion hair extensions are unlike most other and it requires time and patience to apply. This hair will need to be applied at the salon because it is added to your natural hair strand by strand. The extension will be bonded or fused to your natural hair using a process that you desire and the one that the hair allows. It will either be fused using a hot iron designed especially for this purpose or it will be applied using the cold fusion process.

If the hot fusion is your preferred method, this is the most popular form and it is done using hot glue. However, if cold fusion is your choice, it will be done using keratin polymer and this method is recommended for persons with thin hair that may be damaged.

Who are fusion hair extensions for?

As was mentioned above, if you have thin, damaged hair, then cold fusion is for you; however, fusion hair extension is recommended for any and everyone if your hair is about six inches long. This is so because you will need enough natural hair to cover the micro links and make the fusion appear as realistic as possible.

Fake hair is very popular these days and if you are seeking to add some length and luster to your natural hair, fusion hair extensions maybe right for you.

If you have looked for the perfect hair accessories, think about Hair Extensions, Hair Extension Remover, fusion hair extensions of choice.

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