Frequently Asked Questions about NAET

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Frequently Asked Questions about NAET

Q. What is NAET Allergy Elimination?

A. Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques, also known as NAET®, are a non-invasive, drug free, natural solution to eliminate allergies of all types and intensities using a blend of selective energy balancing, testing and treatment procedures from acupuncture/acupressure, allopathy, chiropractic, nutritional, and kinesiological disciplines of medicine.

Q. I believe I have wheat and dust allergies ( although tests have been inconclusive). But sometimes I have allergic reactions that come out of nowhere!

A. Yes, NAET is really good for wheat and dust allergies.
The reason that standard western medical tests might come back negative for an allergen, even though you have reactions to that substance, is because you might be sensitive or intolerant of it rather than allergic. Allergies exist on a continuum, with sensitivities on one side (causing mild headaches or sleeplessness), proceeding to the other side and increasing in intensity until you get to anaphylaxis (causing death) on the other side. Most sensitivities--although they may cause symptoms and disrupt your life--do not show up on standard western medical tests. NAET clears sensitivities, intolerances, and allergies.

Q. Are most people cured of their allergies 100% or does it usually revisit in the future?

A. Yes, once we successfully treat an allergen, it usually does not recur. There have been instances in which people have taken a specific drug they're really sensitive to and it has caused their allergies to recur, but this does not happen very often.
The factors that cause us to acquire allergies are stress events-giving birth, going through a painful transition in life like divorce, or a tremendous shock to the body. It is in extremely stressful physical, mental, or emotional situations that our body's immune system is compromised. Subsequent changes are made in our relationships with items inside and outside our bodies.

Q. How often do I have to come for treatments?

A. We recommend weekly NAET treatments. However, some people like to come more frequently. In some instances, we can do bi-weekly treatments, or even more frequently in special situations-for instance, if you live out of town and are coming for specific treatments, we can usually arrange to do several in a row.

Q. Are there any cons or side effects to this treatment?

A. No, there are no side effects. However, there are instances when we're treating something that people are severely allergic to, and the patient might require more than one treatment.

Q. Is NAET safe for children?

A. Absolutely. Children under the age of 5 are always treated with a surrogate-this means that the treatments are administered to the parent or other caregiver who accompanies the child to the appointment. The child simply maintains skin-to-skin contact with the surrogate during the treatments. And for their first treatment, all children are invited to receive the treatment via a surrogate, if they prefer. There are no side effects of NAET. It is completely non-invasive.

Q. Can NAET treat infertility?

A. Absolutely. We've had great success treating women and men with infertility issues. Usually, people have trouble getting pregnant due to several allergies including foods, hormones, and internal organs. Once the allergy is cleared, women usually get pregnant very quickly.

Q. How do I know if NAET® is right for me?

A. If you are a patient, and would like to find out if NAET® could help with your condition, you should read the book, Say Goodbye to Illness by Devi S. Nambudripad. If you suffer from any allergic condition (food, chemical, environmental, emotional allergies)or if your health condition has developed from any allergy, no matter how long you have been sick, or how old you are (we have treated patients aged between 3 days old to 96 years old), NAET® can help you.

Q. Do I really need to avoid allergens for 25 hours after treatment?

A. We instruct our patients to avoid the allergen for 25 hours after treatment. This allows the body-and each internal organ-to form a new harmonious relationship with that allergen. When treating things that cannot be avoided (such as internal organs or hormones, for example), patients are instructed to massage their gate points every two hours in order to assist the body in passing the treatment.

Q. What are gate points?

A.Gate points are specific acupuncture points on the hands and feet that serve to remind the body about the treatment and assist in passing the treatment.

Q.Is there any additional information I can get about the treatments?

A. As far as additional information, please visit: and/or Both sites are excellent sources of information.

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