For the Single Parents

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Singe parents are no longer a surprising or a rare thing nowadays; society knows that those that are currently raising their child alone deserve to be commended because it is no laughing matter. Though there are people who enter the world of single parenting willingly (like those who adopt), there are those that have been forced into the situation without warning or preparation. An ugly divorce, a sudden death of a spouse, teenage pregnancy, or those unexpected baskets on the doorstep with an ‘it’s your baby’ tag –the point is, life is full of surprises, and though a new baby or a child is a wonderful blessing, everyone knows that raising a child is not a walk in the park. It is full of ups and downs, and a whole lot of bills and sleepless nights. The adjustment stage is a procedure that will require faith, patience and humbleness; it will definitely test one’s endurance and willpower. If one feels rather confused or greatly troubled, it is normal and understandable –believe that no one can do a better job than one can do it.

Though there is no definite ending to the whole parenting process, it will definitely be less worrisome to know where to start. Have plans written down on paper or type it in the computer. Write on calendars about important dates, birthdays or check-ups with the doctor or the dentist, and write down the numbers of friends and family who can offer help during those difficult times. Although it may feel like time is always running out –especially when it is time to rest, one should find ways to make it an accomplice rather than an adversary. Know the benefits of being a single mom or dad, especially if financial aide is necessary. Raising the children alone does not have to render a striving parent completely helpless. For instance, there are sites in the internet that can be valuable to one’s inquiries about grants, and different parenting styles. Finally, remember to not only nurture one’s child, but also one’s own health; eat healthy and get some sleep if the opportunity arises. Parenthood is the most unselfish job in the world; allotting some time for oneself –whether it is as simple as getting a powernap or surfing the net for an hour, is not an act of self-interest, but of self-motivation.

Single parents have a more exaggerated full-time job than those who are still in a nuclear setting family. They have to maintain the role of both a father and a mother, feed and discipline their offspring, find the time to earn money and hopefully, in the not-so-distant future, start dating again. Their schedules are emotionally and physically draining; their routines are simply unimaginable. Being a single mother or father is a role that deserves to be looked up to with much respect and praise. Raising a child alone is definitely something that is remarkable; for as long as one tries –it makes all the difference in the world.

Are you looking for single parent grants ? Visit singleparentcenter for more information about financial assistance for single parent families .

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