Five Effective Methods For Severe Acne Treatment

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Some people just don't get how acne could make someone lonely and depressed. These people are probably the ones who were blessed to have clear skin since birth and never experienced the discomfort of an itchy, swollen, painful zit. If you have had even just one pimple, you would surely realize how awful it is to suffer from severe acne - the deep cyst-like inflammations of the skin which may cause extensive damage and scarring.

Severe acne treatment can only be prescribed and done by a dermatologist. Bear in mind that a severe case needs serious attention. The fact that usual routines of washing your face and using toners do not work means that the next best step is really to consult a professional. Do not wait for a miracle to happen. You must know by now that treating acne even with over-the-counter creams could take a long time to take effect. If you do not consult a doctor now, when would your acne problem end?

There are five dermatological methods for severe acne treatment: drainage and surgical incision, corticosteroid injection, use of isotretinoin, consumption of oral antibiotics, and use of oral contraceptives.

· Drainage and Surgical Incision -- This is the process also known as acne surgery. From the word "surgery" itself, you should already know that it is only to be performed by a doctor, not you. A lot of people have gotten into the habit of squeezing and popping their zits, thinking that it's the faster way to treat them. What they do not consider is the infection could easily occur because they do this. Besides, picking your acne can worsen the situation as well as the scarring.

· Corticosteroid Injection - This is a kind of severe acne treatment
where diluted corticosteroid is injected into the severely inflamed cysts. These cysts have a big possibility of rupturing which may result to serious scarring. The corticosteroid injection will lessen the cysts' inflammation and promote healing. It's more like melting the zits so they will not rupture anymore.

· Use of Isotretinoin - Isotretinoin is a potent drug used to treat acne that is resistant to other medications. It is a synthetic retinoid in pill form. Usually, the patient is instructed to take it once or twice each day from 16 to 20 weeks. The use of Istotretinoin is considered to be the most popular severe acne treatment. Usually, a person only needs one course of therapy with this pill and enjoy clear skin for many years. However, this should never be taken without your doctor's supervision. Isotretinoin may have serious side effects that you should know of first.

· Oral Antibiotics - They have been a mainstay of acne treatment for years. Usually, treatment with these antibiotics starts with high dosage and then reduced as acne resolves.

· Oral Contraceptives - Yes, using oral contraceptives is one way of
severe acne treatment for women. They clear the skin by suppressing the over activity of sebaceous glands. Oral contraceptives are the only tablets that can be used over a long period. However, they should not be prescribed to women who are over 35 years of age, those who are smoking, or those who have a blood-clotting disorder.

Gregory Newton explains how to get rid of acne. Find out to choose the right medication for your severe acne treatment available at:=>

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