Five Common Global Warming Myths

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I have to start by assuming that you are part of the human race and that you occasionally glean snippets of news from radio, TV, The Internet or wherever.

Taking that as a given, then it's safe to assume that you've heard of Global Warming.

Global Warming is an impending catastrophe that's increased in popularity in the last few years. This is possibly due to the fact that it's reached the point where Governments around the globe can no longer pretend it doesn't exist.
Just about everywhere you look, whether it be the television news, radio chat shows, or the internet, global warming is being discussed.

The trouble is, even with all this animated gum-flapping, many people still are quite confused about just what it is.

As global warming continues to be an issue that increases in popularity, you will hear a lot of information on from various sources. This information is likely to be anything from facts to opinions and theories. This is what often leads to some confusion surrounding global warming. To help fight that confusion and keep you in the know, a few common global warming myths and their truths are outlined below for you.

• Myth #1: The Earth's Temperature Is Rising Too Fast

The Truth: Yes, it is true that the earth's temperature is rising. Yes, this temperature rise may be cause for concern, but the temperature is not rising at a fast rate at all. In fact, it is only slighting increasing. Even before global warming became an issue and before greenhouse gas (carbon dioxide and all that other toxic stuff) emissions increased, the earth's temperature was rising. That is why many scientist attribute this slight temperature increase to normality, not necessarily global warming.

• Myth #2: Humans Are the Sole Cause of Global Warming

The Truth: While humans do have a major impact on global warming, as well as the emission of greenhouse gases, we are not the only cause. As previously mentioned, many scientists claim that the earth's temperature has always been on the rise, albeit a very slight rise. Although the exact cause of global warming or even if it exists is under debate, there is absolutely no proof that humans are the sole cause of it. (Agricultural animals letting off pungent melodious ‘pppffffftttts' contribute a fair bit, too)

• Myth #3: Global Warming is the Sole Reason for Glaciers Melting

The Truth: Many global warming activists, including Al Gore, claim that global warming is what is causing the glaciers and ice masses in the north and in the extreme south to melt. Well,, it is true that global warming does have an impact on glaciers melting, but it is not the only cause.
There are a number of scientific studies that show that the melting and shifting of glaciers and other ice masses has been happening for thousands of years now. However, it's also true that, in recent years the melt has increased out of all proportion to the ‘natural' event. This means that global warming is not the only cause of ice melt and the possible rise in sea level because of it. But is the cause of it happening a lot faster.

• Myth #4: Global Warming Isn't True, As It Is Cold Outside

I like this one……….

The Truth: If you live in the north, you are likely to experience very cold and chilly winters. After all, it IS winter!
In fact, even during the summertime, you may experience a slight decrease in temperature. This decrease in temperature is what often leads people to believe that global warming is just a scare theory.

Despite opposition, many scientists do believe that global warming does exist and that it will have a serious impact on the future.
As for the temperature, global warming summarizes weather patterns, not just individual events; therefore, you will likely experience a wide range of temperatures and other weather patterns, regardless of where you live.

Increases in severe weather events, such as cyclones, droughts, violent storms etc are symptoms of Global Warming - not just winters in Norway lying on the beach eating ice cream.

• Myth #5: Computer Models that Predict Global Warming Are Unreliable

The Truth: One of the many debates that surround global warming is about the use of computer generated weather models. It is no secret that scientists and meteorologists use computer models to predict the weather. It is also no secret that the information passed on to the unsuspecting public via the television bears very little resemblance to what the weather is actually going to do.

Although these long-term weather models are not right all of the time, they do have a pretty high success rate. In fact, numerous weather predicating computer models basically show that global warming is real and that it does have the probability to become a huge problem in the future. In this case, the future seems to be just about……………………now!

These global warming myths are just a few of the many that you will likely hear. If you are unsure as to what you hear from friends, family members, politicians, or scientists is true, you may want to take the time to do a little bit of research This research is relatively easy to do online.

Mind you, there is no guarantee of any accuracy online, either. In fact, ‘online' is a terrific forum for every nutter and his dog to expound theories on just about anything. (This nutter doesn't have a dog, only a cat that thinks she's a duck).

The author is an Aging Hippy who rides around in a pram to make himself look younger.
He has also written a book on how householders can save a fair bit of money and help combat Global Warming at the same time. Well worth a look, it is.

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