Find ACT Score

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Despite the SAT's popularity, the ACT remains the standardized admissions exam of choice for twenty four states. Offered six times a year the ACT examination tests college hopefuls on their skills in math, English, reading, and science reasoning. There is also an optional writing portion of the exam that many colleges will consider alongside the other segments.

Completed exams are scored in several ways, resulting in the composite and test scores. These range from 1 (low) to 36 (high), and are commonly referred to as 'the' ACT score. There are also scores provided for each section, which are called the subscores.

Knowing your ACT score is important for a number of reasons. The obvious purpose is the use of the score in college admissions requirements. However many other organizations will consider ACT information as well. For example MENSA will consider ACT scores taken before 1984 as part of their admissions process. Some employers also approve of high ACT scores.

You have a number of ways to find your ACT scores. Regardless of method, ACT, inc charges $17 for score validation.

The first method is through At this site you will be required to create a student web account to gain access to your records. This account does require some sensitive information such as your social security number. The registration portion of the site does use an identity-secure protocol.

This account will provide you with a number of options. You can view your score, as well as -send- the score online to various agencies. You can print your admissions ticket for proof of attendance, and change your registration date if necessary.

For those who took the test prior to 2006, there are also other methods to validate scores. Those who have taken the ACT can request their old scores by snail mail or by telephone, again for $17.

To validate scores by telephone, call the ACT help desk at 319-337-1313. You must call between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm central time. In addition you may pay another $12 to have your results prioritized and provided faster than usual.

By mail, you must provide a letter with the following information - full name, Social Security number, date of birth, test date, where to send the scores, current address and phone number, payment in check or money order, payable to ACT Records. Mail the request to ACT Records, PO Box 451, Iowa City, IA. 52243-0451.

After you send in the information, all you need to do is wait the appropriate time. However there are additional steps that may make the process easier overall.

First make sure you double check that you have all the relevant information. Many validations are held up because of simple errors that can be avoided with a little forethought.

When checking your score, you will need your name and address. This includes both your current address and the address at time of testing, as well as current and prior name if they have changed in the interim (such as moving or through marriage).

It helps if you have your approximate test date on hand as well. While ACT, inc does keep comprehensive records the search time is sped up when they have an idea of where to begin looking.

Have a valid credit card handy for processing payment. Money order or check are acceptable for mail-in requests, but the use of a credit card online is the most secure means.

Part of requesting ACT scores includes mentioning where you want them sent as part of the admissions process. This will require college program and scholarship codes. These codes are short unique numbers assigned to each place of higher education.

Having the program codes will speed up the request process. To find your chosen school's code go to and enter the relevant information. Alternatively your high school may have a directory of these codes available.

The length of time you will need to wait for your scores may vary depending on method.

If you are using the online process, scores are posted within sixteen days from the date you took your test. If the results are not up at this date, check back weekly. Score information is usually added on Wednesdays and Fridays.

Note that while you can request an expedited search for old scores, the scores themselves will not be posted any faster to the website for any reason.

Reporting of the scores on the site can be delayed for several reasons. Documents may be misfiled or arrive late, or you may have provided inaccurate matching information on your document. If you owe any registration fees you have forgotten to pay, this can also delay the reporting for your score.

ACT inc posts multiple choice scores earlier than the written scores, as the writing section takes longer to evaluate. Again, check in weekly until your scores are posted. This usually takes two additional weeks.

There is also a potential delay in when your chosen colleges will receive scores you send them. Colleges are sent scores on their own schedules, and each schedule is different. Scores can take several weeks to arrive in most cases.

Mailed copies of the results can be sent out between three and eight weeks from the test date. Students requesting information sooner than eight weeks will be advised to continue waiting.

Once again, the most important part of requesting ACT scores is to be prepared. Double check that you have all information necessary before submitting your request.

For example if you select a college to send your scores to, and then find another one two days later that you would be interested in, you may have to send an additional request with an additional fee. Line up all necessary information before you send the request.

Your ACT score is not difficult to request. It is an exacting process, but it can be handled with common sense and a calm approach. Take your time and have a counselor or professional doublecheck your work so you are sure it is complete.

Check out these links for more information on Average ACT Score and find out if you can score an Average ACT Score.

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