Feel the Paranormal watching you have Dinner at Bull in the Thorn

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You get a chance to wine and dine in the midst of an ambience where you will be watched closely by invisible ghosts and ghouls. The Bull in the Thorn, located near Hurdlow, Burxton is hosting a supper on 1st April 2011. The supper commences at 8:30 in the evening and will go on till the wee hours of the morning before culminating at 4:00.

The Ancient Inn, fabled to be home to spirits and ghosts wandering because of being unable to cross over, is one of the most haunted places where paranormal activities have been seen galore. Sitting in a candle lit place with spooky sounds reverberating across the room would be the creepiest experience you would have had in a while.

Your evening will be all about a date with ghosts, apart from the sumptuous 3-course home cooked dinner served. After the meal, the visitors will be taken for a thorough reconnaissance of the Inn where they will run into unforgettable experiences with elements that are not amicable and can be pretty hostile.

Ghosts, spirits, souls, phantoms and visions have all been spotted loitering and prowling around and inside the Inn during dusk. People have had visions of these wandering and restless spectres many times and have reported unpleasant sights, with vengeful eyes staring at them and looking for some vendetta of sorts. The pub is said to have its own groups of resident ghosts, one who never jettison the place and exude scary vibes when they do not like certain presences.

There is a legend at the Inn about the presence of a little girl known to lose her temper very badly. There is also a Cavalier who strolls around the car park and is known to shock people all of a sudden by barging into their caravans when they are deep in slumber.
Odour coming because of Tobacco Smoke, Lighting going on and off, Books littered around etc. are certain unpleasant activities that have been visible at the Inn because of the presence of these ghosts.

Some parts of the pub are as old as dating back to the early 1100s. Folklore has it that forces are often known to display their temper by flinging jugs and porcelain at the housekeeping staff in case they feel unwelcome in their own den.

You will be shown around the place and told about the history the site boasts of. That is further followed by a tour with the Medium, the source mediating between us humans and the spirits, who lets you know what all spirits might be present at that point in time. The ghost hunt with the Vigils is what comes at the end. You are given enough chances to have your own Vigils and enjoy the night to the fullest.

A date with the paranormal is what every adventure aficionado seeks and you get it here at Haunted Happenings. The arrangements are made for you to have a spooky experience, one that is bound to scare the wits out of you!

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