Feeding Your Baby

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A few tips regarding feeding your baby:

0 to 4 months
For infants, milk is the only essential food (with water) or from the breast. Cow's milk does not cover 100% of nutritional intake necessary for the development of your baby. Only breast milk meets all nutritional needs of infants. Only breast milk meets all nutritional needs of infants. For moms who are unable or unwilling to breastfeed, infant formula is an alternative. In all cases, it is important to follow the advice of the medical profession involved with monitoring your baby. For the quantity and frequency of feeds please consult your health care professional. Never forget that every baby is different. This is a good time to try your baby in Baby Sleep Suits to see if he/she reacts in discomfort or not.

4 to 6 months
From 4 months you may involve dietary diversification; this is a key step for the development of both your baby and his or her gustatory education. Diversification is one way to prevent certain diseases occurring in adulthood such as obesity. That is why jars of baby food have no added sugar and no added salt. During this period, the main food is the milk but the baby's digestive system develops sufficiently to absorb other nutrients. Around five months a baby can swallow semi-solid food because the movements of his tongue become more coordinated.

The Weaning Process
Between four and six months a baby begins to show its desire to eat differently.
In general, he/she may sit with your help and keep food in his mouth. Sometimes he chews everything is within reach, drools when he sees something to eat and shows signs of hunger even after feeding.

Once you have decided it is time to wean, attach one hour meal during which your baby will get your attention. Some babies are hungrier in the evening; others are hungrier in the morning. At first, you present very small amounts with a spoon. Do not rush the introduction of a new food and do not try to do it all in one day. It is a process that is spread out over time. Some babies eat what you offer and expect more. Others do not like the touch of the spoon in the mouth. It is advisable to submit only one new food per day to help him discover the true taste of each food and detect any intolerance. Among vegetables, you can start with carrots, green beans, spinach, squash (seeded and skinned), leeks, pumpkins, and beetroot. Among fruits, you should give ripe fruit, de-seeded (in most cases anyway). Fruits or vegetables should be mixed to obtain a smooth texture and steamed in order to retain the vitamins. You can start by mixing a few vegetables or fruit in a bottle of milk if your baby refuses the spoon.

Every day, offer your child a few small spoonfuls after feedings if he seems hungry. Then two weeks later, suggest a second type of food with a spoon. If the experiment proves successful, try a third food type two weeks later. If your baby still needs burping then go ahead and then pop him or her down for a supervised rest in Baby Sleeping Bags if your baby becomes tired after feedings.

6 to 8 months
From 6 months a baby starts chewing, even if he or she has no teeth. Gradually, you-can submit new flavours and new textures to help educate your baby’s palette.

8 to 12 months
From 8 months your baby is sitting up and experiencing early teething. The baby can now swallow very small pieces of blended food.

12 to 15 months
Around the age of 12 months your baby begins to stand on his own feet and begins to take his first steps. Your child also learns to use a spoon and feed himself/herself.

From 15 months and onwards
From this age, tastes change and some flavours begin to be liked and others begin to be disliked. This is when you child will start to enjoy snacking, so placing a carrot stick or apple slice in your child’s hand will teach them to love vegetables when they are older.

Albert Jakeman is a nutritional expert who specialises in baby products such as baby foods, Baby Sleeping Bags and Baby Sleep Suits.

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