Famespot - Entertainment Social Network

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Famespot, founded by its CEO Bobby James Fournier, began development mid 2010 and was launch to the public fully on January 1st 2011 The website http://www.myfamespot.com was Developed for the sole purpose of assisting those promoting their talent in connecting with those who are looking for talent through an online channel with various platforms of operation.

Offering the opportunity to stay current with the newest releases and reviews in Games, Movies and DVD's as well as a detailed platform dedicated to social networking, offering the user the opportunity to connect with other friends in the industry and also get connected with top leading industry professionals, uploading videos, photos and music, post/reply to comments and status' on their fameboard, video chat, video log and much more this website seems to be a fully applicable option for the entertainer and the scout to indeed connect efficiently and the company has announce that it is absolutely free to join and will always remain free to become a member of their site in an effort to remain competitive.

While this may sound like a typically engineered social networking website for entertainers, it's not. In the very short upcoming months they are set to release a tool that will revolutionize the entertainment industry virtualizing the entire audition process through live video feed. Still in the stages of developing the tool, it is difficult to release information but to say this tool will not only help all involved save money on travel and location and other various fees associated with the process but it will also allow for much more opportunity for those who may seem backed in a corner due to budget and location restrictions. Tool is set to release second quarter of 2011 barring any unknown problems.

As of February 1st, it's been confirmed that Famespot has hired another member to its already dynamic team, A Thomas Betschart, who will hold the title as the V.P. of Operations and is already showing great signs of productivity through the development of this tool and several other designs that due to copyright cannot yet be revealed because of their early stages of development but "let's just say they are working toward a virtually hands free experience on their website". proclaims the V.P. of Public Relations, Amber Alvarez.

"All in all our team is dedicated to eliminating the 'luck' factor of getting discovered in the entertainment industry through innovative tools and ideas. The launch of this new website is just the beginning of what is to come. With the release of our new tool, we are expecting it to pave the way to allow for us to pursue some of our other great ideas dedicated to helping the talent get the greatest opportunity to promote their talent." Says C.E.O and founder Bobby James Fournier.

Through much research and surveying we have yet to locate another company in the entertainment industry claiming to have these new revolutionary concepts and tools at the forefront of being released. All we can say at this point is… "show me the product" and let's see what Famespot is made of. Aside from these great new concepts, Famespot has already seen a definite rise in site population traffic as it's gone from 48 unique visitors for the total month of November during its soft launch on November 12th 2010, to a whopping average of 498 visitors per day to the site this month of February alone, projecting a monthly total of upwards of fourteen thousand visits to this site for the month of February 2011, now that’s is a definite display of interest if I do say so myself.

All in all, Famespot already displays a completely functional and regularly updating website with fully functional features already in use, a desire to continue forward with new innovative ideas, an apparent design and invention already underway claiming to potentially revolutionize the industry and a growing staff of dedicated and qualified board members organizing a route to success. I'd score them an 8 out of 10 at this point with the final 2 points in limbo until I can view the quality of this tool once it's been released.

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Entertainment Social Network and jobs in the entertainment industry also Entertainment Network

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