Eyelid Surgery See Yourself in a New Light

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The area around the eyes is one of the places that will always show your age. Droopy eyelids, crows feet and heavy bags all add years to your face. Eyelid surgery can dramatically improve your overall look with just a simple surgical procedure. Not as invasive as a facelift, this is a much simpler procedure with a shorter recovery period. If you are considering cosmetic surgery but are worried about the risks of an invasive procedure with an extended healing time, this could be an excellent option for you. Unlike procedures like Botox, this form of surgery rarely needs to be repeated. The effects are long lasting.
This surgery involves the removal of excess skin above the eyes as well as the fatty deposits beneath the eyes. Removal of skin above the eyes gives an instant younger look. The removal of fatty deposits diminishes those dark, heavy bags which many people complain of as they get older. Aging causes the brown to begin to downturn and for skin to sag around the eyes, eyelid surgery seeks to correct these signs of aging.

This kind of procedure in Sydney is some of the best in the world. The surgeons are highly qualified. Many people travel to Sydney to get cosmetic surgery.
The procedure happens under anesthetic. The surgeon will make a small incision both above and below the eye area to remove the excess tissue. At the same time that may upturn the brow slightly. This is dependent on how severely the patient has accrued excess skin. In less severe cases the brow naturally resumes to its upturned state.
Laser surgery eliminates the bags under the eyes and excess creases on the eyelid. Excess skin is still removed but the process is much less invasive. The laser beam makes surgery less traumatic for the body, the laser beam seals up blood vessels as it cuts, meaning that there is little bleeding or bruising that occurs. This also cuts down recovery time substantially. Much of the reported cases of complications during eyelid surgery have been from damaged blood vessels, use of the laser eliminates this risk.

A different kind of laser is used during the procedure to reduce wrinkles around the eye area. In particular the area beneath the eye and any crows feet are focused on. This is an advantage that you do not enjoy when getting a traditional eyelid surgery procedure.
Within a few week of eyelid surgery you will be feeling like your old self again, only a little bit younger. You will have some stitches which are removed after ten days, after this you can resume using eye makeup. There will be a small scar to the upper eyelid area, but this will be practically invisible. After two or three weeks all the bruising and swelling will have gone down and you will be able to return to your work and social life as per normal.

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