Executing our unity

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Executing our Unity

Many times in our society we will hear the word unity used. Usually in times of frustration, chaos and crisis, someone will give a speech or write an article about this essential attribute for success. Yes, this quality can be found in every successful team, organization, company or community. It is not only absolutely, positively necessary, it is indispensable. So since it is certain we can not do without it, why is it so illusive when it is most needed? Or in some situations when it can be harnessed, why can’t it be sustained? By now you’re probably wondering what this article is all about or perhaps you don’t feel like wondering so I will just say it’s the most critical issue in our society today. It is the issue of our American society. Let’s face it! We have never in one year had so much bad news at the level of high institutions and organizations in our country’s history. Sure there were probably periods in our history when serious issues arose, yet one could argue that those came during times when our society was growing up and dealing with the pains of doing so. But let’s also face the fact that this year, in spite of our advanced education, understanding, technology and systems, we have experienced negative blow after blow. Although this year has been devastating, we are still standing and the ball is in our court, allowing us an opportunity to stay banded together so we can emerge victoriously. Banding together is what we do and thankfully the literature of our government is a treasure trove of rich ideas that if relentlessly applied, can help us maintain and in, the long term, sustain our precious and beloved society. Here are a few those ideas that come to mind instantly.

One of our country’s founding principles is “United we stand and divided we fall”. I find that the motivation to interpret and implement this idea comes better by first grasping the latter half of this phrase (divided we fall). To avoid falling is our objective because we like standing. This country stands so tall in the world, in spite of our deficiencies and what we hear about those who hate our country. Just think of the feelings you get when you imagine Michael Phelps standing with the national anthem playing while wearing (count them) eight gold medals or what about Carl Lewis taking a victory lap or our whole Olympic team, dressed in red, white and blue, marching in on opening day. It’s that feeling we get when we proudly stand tall and march tall. What about our brave soldiers or the firefighters in New York who stood for those in need. Yes, we find, when we stand together and refuse to “Fall” that’s when we really stand “Tall”. And when difficult times come, we stand tallest when we don’t harp on how we got there, so much as on how we will positively move forward from there. Reviewing what has happened and avoiding similar acts is essential to making progressive change, but anything more than that will distract our efforts as we strive to stand.

Another quote from our rich constitution literature is “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness”. One could say in this country there has been injustice but one and also change. This change has come at huge prices especially when we think of the deaths of Abraham Lincoln, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. and John F. Kennedy. Surely, we wouldn’t be where we are today without these and many more brave sacrifices from, yes, our own citizens. In fact, such ultimate sacrifices for Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness are the essence of all monumental change in this country. When we all consider some of the liberties we have such as shelter, food and clothing along with entertainment, transportation and education, we should be quick to realize we are much more fortunate than most societies in the world. More importantly, we have an opportunity to build on these to gain more for all by committing to sacrifice more for all. Our collective investment to this idea for improvement of our country actually adds another strong cord to our unity.

Still another cord that binds our unity can be seen on our currency. Yes, somebody once said “Put your money where your mouth is”. W hen we look at of our money our mouth reads “In God We Trust”. Instantly I think of the person that says “I don’t believe in God” or “Keep God out of this”, but the fact of the matter is, when we decided to pray to God and acknowledge Him by putting “In God We Trust” on our currency, we put God in it. A common saying in today’s society is “If something is not broke don’t fix it”. It must be working because in spite of the stock market failures, the Great Depression of the 30's, inflation, recessions, unemployment, deficits, wars, and any other financial misfortune we can recall, we are still standing. We are still standing in spite of our decisions and efforts. So God must be working in our behalf And since it seems he is working in our behalf, those of us who do trust, should trust and pray for his continued care, protection and guidance. I suppose the ultimate evidence of our trust as a country would be to acknowledge His ways and seek guidance to come into agreement with them. Surely He does not want our women, our young, our disabled and our elderly mistreated, neglected or abused. Surely He wouldn’t see addictions, mutilations and perversions as beneficial to anyone. So maybe prayer for one another and care towards one another can keep us unified. Ronald Reagan, I believe, once called for a “kinder, gentler nation” and in light of our favor from God, total trust in God, as a guiding light in this direction, would be wise.

As I close, what comes to mind is a Bible verse that says “a three fold cord is not quickly broken” (Ecclesiastes 4:12) and these three cords (commitment, sacrifice and faith) come to mind. I believe that executing them as a country would be very beneficial towards preserving our unity. Obviously, this will take individual and collective effort by those who are truly aware of what is at stake and willing to bear the infirmities of the less informed. Commitment, sacrifice and faith is what unity is all about. This country has stood on these principles along with God’s favor for more than two centuries. Many times we hear talk about politicians and their real and or perceived lack of loyalty to those they serve. But one good thing that I can say about our country is that the usual response of an American politician (when he or she is defeated), especially on the federal and state level, is to ask the voters to unite with them to support the incumbent for the benefit of all. I believe Hillary Clinton and John McCain were two good recent examples. They both have urged support of our newly elected president. So in this year, in these times, it is crucial to support our incoming president and his staff to help elevate our country to magnificent horizons. We have experienced a lot of painful and frustrating events this year but if we believe perhaps what the singer Betty Wright says or what the body builder says when they say “no pain...no gain”, then we must be moving in the direction of gain. Some one once said “It’s always darkest before the dawn” and America is moving towards that light and the execution of our core principle of unity can and will lead to success if we remember.....United we will stand to seek life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness if we trust in God.

By Allif H. Dove

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