Egg Donation – Make Sure You are Getting the Very Best Eggs

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Egg Donation – Make Sure You are Getting the Very Best Eggs

With IVF techniques becoming more and more popular as a way to get pregnant, egg donation is also becoming even more important for women that can't, for one reason or another, produce their own eggs to be implanted in their own uterus for pregnancy.

This article discusses the the reasons why egg donation is used and to look for a fertility center that can provide the highest quality eggs to make an IVF procedure successful.

What Does Egg Donation Help?

There are many women that want to have kids, but they can't produce their own eggs. Egg Donation is needed to allow them to become pregnant.

What are Some Factors That Would Make a Women Opt for Egg Donation?

• A woman might, for various reasons, have a reduced or non-existent ovarian function. This could be from age or other medical conditions that could interfere with a woman's reproductive system.

• There might be a family history of a known genetic defect that affects the woman or there's a good possibility that this trait could be passed on to her baby. In this circumstance, she might decide to opt for egg donation where she can get pregnant and have children without the possibility of health problems or defects in her children.

What to Look for in an Egg Donation Center

There are many fertility centers that offer egg donation, but where do you go to find the highest quality eggs, knowing that each egg is healthy and free from genetic abnormalities?

Here are some factors to look for that will help you make the best egg donation decision

• Proper Cryopreservation - Some fertility centers use a process called vitrification to cryopreserve their oocytes. What's great about this cooling process is that the survival rate of each egg donation is nearly perfect with a 98% success rate.

• Having access to a large donor pool with very detailed profiles of each donor - You have the option of choosing a very specific egg based on very specific donor profiles. Details such as race, education, age and many other details are included as well as having photos of each egg donation recipient when they were children up to adulthood.

Egg donation recipients are also extensively screened for any conditions or abnormalities. You are receiving the best quality egg donation recipients, so you have the chance to have the healthiest baby possible.

• Adhering to very strict FDA regulations - Most recognized and respected fertility centers strictly follow the guidelines created by the US Food and Drug Administration and Department of Health.

Most centers that have the highest quality egg donation are members of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine and have all of their patient cycles reported to the SART (Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology).

To conclude, it's very important to find a great fertility center with the very best egg donation processes, storage and compliant with all rules and regulations. You need to be absolutely sure you're going to have the best chance of having a healthy baby.

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New Hope International - Donor Eggs Recipient Services is a world leader in matching couples and single individuals with ideal egg donors. New Hope Fertility has developed the most comprehensive database International Egg Donors and exceeds the standards and diversity of any other clinic in the world. To know more about our service, visit us at:

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