Effective Weight Loss Tips With Great Responsibility Comes Great Power

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Regardless of the events in your life that have brought you to where you are now, you already have the power to lose weight and create new and positive experiences for yourself - in your subconscious mind. All you need do is turn this awareness into a more conscious skill and use it to point you in the direction that you want to go. Using the power of quality questions, the next time you feel irritated or annoyed by something, try asking yourself 'What can I do about it?'

With great power comes great responsibility and, in turn, great responsibility gives you an awesome amount of power and control over your life. If you are driving your life's experiences, it means you are in charge, and can therefore change anything you don't like. If, on the other hand, you feel you have no control and believe you have no responsibility for your life, who do you consider is making the decisions? Does it mean that someone else is to blame for everything that happens to you? Does it mean that your ability to pass your driving test was all down to your instructor, or that passing your exams was due solely to your tutor's hard work? If you want to take responsibility for the good things that happen in your life, you need also to be willing to acknowledge responsibility for the bad and unwanted results too.

Letting Go Of Your Legacy

Many of us blame our parents for the way we have turned out as adults. Our reluctance to take responsibility for our actions may stem from being over-protected as children, or punished for the things we did. The fear of 'getting it wrong' or of 'letting people down' can run deep. The voices that warned us, told us off, criticized us or sounded disappointed when we were very young can still be heard loud and clear by the subconscious mind in adulthood. Sometimes we need to tune into the inner voices more clearly to realise where they stem from and to acknowledge that their time has passed.

As adults we are free to hold our own opinions and make our own decisions. Most parents try to give their children a good start in life, but your parents' choices do not have to remain your choices. Now is the time to have the courage to stop the blame game and take responsibility for who you are, who you want to become and how you choose to behave. Your parents are not responsible for your weight gain, because whoever is responsible is also in control. Are your parents in control of your habits and choices now? Thank fully not. You are!

Responsibility is an incredible gift because it gives you such control over your life. The downside is that it can be hard work and, yes, you have to take responsibility and fix things if you screw up! The upside is that by screwing things up you will learn how to do things better in future, and the less scared you are of 'failure' in the future, the stronger you become and the better your life will be.

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