Education of Poor Children – A vital process towards improving the society.

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Education of poor children is an ongoing process for it has to take place till there is poverty within the society. The gap between the rich and the poor has to be filled up to a satisfactory level for it leads the way to social equality. Education of poor children gives them the opportunity to be trained and well prepared to earn a living and sustain themselves along with their families.

India, the second most populous country in the world is finding it difficult to look after its increasing population in providing them with basic necessities especially food, shelter and education. There are many organizations which are working at the grassroots levels in order to bring about a distinct change.

Voluntary organizations, NGOs and other social service institutions have put in tremendous efforts to provide basic education to the downtrodden people especially poor children. These efforts have undoubtedly improved lives of many poor children but yet the process of educating the poor children has to gain pace.

Voluntary organizations, NGOs and other committed organizations can always seek support of the local community members and even from well established corporate entities to bring into reality their plans of educating children with great success. There are ample volunteers across all sections of the society who are ready to contribute through time and efforts while funds for the same can be sought from corporate houses that have a commitment towards social responsibility.

Education of poor children has to be done with great care and thought for they are already facing the hardships of life at a very young age. Hence, education can begin with teaching them on basic personal care and hygiene followed by making them how to read and write and lastly making them capable of earning their own livelihood. It is essential to motivate them to educate themselves and for that you could provide them with food, clothes and few other basic essentials which prove to be useful for them while making them stay in touch with you.

The education should be aimed at making children capable of reading and writing while training them on personal hygiene. At the next stage, these organizations should impart vocational training along with induction moral values which go a long way in making them responsible members of the society.

Funds and volunteering efforts are equally important to bring success to your education programmes. But at the same time, education has to be imparted in such as way that they turn out to be responsible citizens of the society and leading a more meaningful life. Though education to poor children is a tough task on account of several factors but with dedication and commitment, a lot can be achieved. After all, there are many educational institutions, motivated individuals and corporate who are willing to join hands with NGO’s in this noble cause.

Education of poor children is a proven way to uplift these children from their existing environment. By taking firm steps towards providing education to poor children, we can reiterate our commitment towards making our society a much better place.

All Children are the gifts of God and hence each one of them has the right to live a decent life. Efforts taken towards Education of poor children are nothing but opportunities to do much more and live a meaningful existence.

By sponsoring a child in India you will be taking care of their educational, medicinal, nutritional needs. Join NGO in India and feel the difference that you and your efforts can make in somebody’s life.

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