Ectomorphing - Stronger is Better Tops

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Have you ever notice that some folks seem to be able to eat whatever they want and never gain any real weight? Its genetics, not your imagination, You see, there are three different bodytypes -mesomorph, ectomorph, and endomorph. Studying your own body type will help aid you in figuring out a diet and exersise program that fits your own personal needs and goals.

Look at the ectomoph body type, who is the naturally skinny or hardgainer. Most likely the ectomorph has been skinny his or her whole life. With no diet or training but to the high speed of of the ectomorphs metabolism. It is this same high metabolism that keeps the hard gainer from gaining weight, but more importantly gaining muscle. So in this way it is a blessing and a curse.

But there is hope through proper training and nutrition to build a fabulous looking healthy body, through some hard work and dedication. We will check out some nutrition tips first to start you on your way to packing on some quality mass. It is a matter of ingesting the right amount of quality calories during your day and night. Carbs, Carbs and more carbs are required to keep your furnace stoked.

Supplementing with a weight gaining powder is a great way to easily take in the amount of calories through carbs that your body will need for the hard work in the gym. Weight gaining powders are also a great source of protein which you will also need in order to grow. 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight is recommended per day to keep the muscles growing. That will meet the demands of the amino acids created through heavy weight training. Try to eat five to six small meals a day, preferably from whole food, but supplementing with shakes when the need arises. And of course tuna and chicken are cheap sources of high quality protein.

As far as the gym goes for a hardgainer, it comes down to some nose to the grindstone work and consistancy to achieve any real results. Think of how much you will appreciate the body you build through all the sweat and effort exerted through your persistence.

There is absolutely nothing complex about the weight training program. Its kept simple for a reason, simple works. Stick with all multijoint compound exercises that utilize as many muscles as possible with one movement. Examples are, the barbell bench press, the barbell squat, the barbell deadlift, and standing barbell military presses. Low reps and high weight amounts are a big key to succcess here. Keep your reps between three to six and exert as much effort as possible through high amounts of weight. This will shock your muscles into growth faster than high reps at low weight.

You'll want to keep your sets low also. Anywhere from three to four sets per exercise and three to four exercises per workout.

Lastly you'll need plenty of rest. Rest anywhere from three to four minutes between every set of an exercise and a lot of rest between workouts if possible. Give these principles a try and I'm sure you will be growing in no time.
To discover over 127 specific secrets for losing body fat and getting a lean flat stomach, see the unique workouts and nutrition tips at:

Here's to wishing you a leaner, healthier, stronger body!

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