EcoFirst Pest Control for All Four Seasons

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Pest control is not a single-season endeavor. There are challenges and treatments for each and every season it turns. A good professional pest control company will not just show up once a year to spray the baseboards. A reputable company like EcoFirst Pest Control knows how to deal with the pest control challenges of each season with an environmentally responsible plan of action to eliminate pest and prevent them from entering your home.


Seasonal Challenges

Cold weather may seem like a time for pest to become dormant, but many are even more active or more noticeable in the wintertime than in warmer seasons. Rodents are a particular challenge this season. Mice and rats are obvious pest problems, but squirrels can easily become a nuisance as well. Squirrels are picturesque when they are gamboling around the yard and scurrying up trees, but if they nest in your attic the racket they make can keep you awake all night. They will use your insulation for nesting materials, leaving expensive gaps through which your heating dollars will escape. Like their cousins, mice and rats, squirrels can carry lice, fleas and ticks which are just as happy to bite a human as a rodent.


Seasonal Challenges

In the spring, blooming flowers make the neighborhood look beautiful. Rain helps the flowers grow but it can also aggravate ants and other yard-based pests. As the earth warms up, ants, spiders, mosquitoes fleas and ticks become more active and begin to seek out food sources. Your home can be a prime source of nourishment for hungry outdoor insects. Some varieties or spider can be particularly dangerous. The black widow and the brown recluse can each deliver a dose of poison that may result in symptoms ranging from a painful bite to nausea, dizziness, abdominal pain and even respiratory difficulties.


Seasonal Challenges

Biting flies and mosquitoes are common complaints of summertime. These airborne pests can turn a fun barbeque into a nightmare of swatting, slapping, biting and itching. Many flying insects can set up camp in your grass or landscaping. Finding their breeding sites can take a practiced eye. Mosquitoes only need a small amount of stagnant water in which to breed by the hundreds. An old flower pot or a hidden toy truck can easily hold enough water to birth a colony.


Seasonal Challenges

In the fall, wasps and bees become a special challenge. Many species will force the hive’s workers out of the hive in the late summer and early fall. The hive needs to limit its numbers as the winter approaches and only the queen and her court are allowed to stay to care for the young, who will in turn become the next season’s work force. The hungry workers are the ones you see swarming in trash cans and diving into your soda can as they desperately looking for food. They are slower in the fall but hunger can make them more aggressive and willing to risk interaction with humans.

Source: EcoFirst Pest Control

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