Easy tips to take care of your priceless fine art paintings - coming straight from a fine art galler

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Easy tips to take care of your priceless fine art paintings – coming straight from a fine art gallery expert
There would hardly be anyone who doesn’t like to décor his house with many fine art . If not much every house flaunts one or two paintings. But there is one problem that plagues everyone. How to take care of expensive paintings? The answer is quite simple. If you are just a little careful and follow some easy tips, you wouldn’t have to do much to keep your beloved paintings intact.
When you buy a painting, get it laminated or even better buy laminated paintings. The lamination would protect the paintings from dust and grime. Moreover, it will also be shielded from the kids who tend to scratch on almost anything. The best way, of course is to keep the painting away from the reach of children.
Paintings that have a steel or iron frame are prone to rusting, so it is advisable to avoid these frames as much as possible. In order to gently clean your paintings purchase a big, soft brush. These kinds of brushes are available at all art supply stores. It is important to clean your paintings every now and then with a soft clean cloth, it is recommended to make this a habit.

Another effective way to do away with the dust and dirt is to use blown air. You can use a hair dryer with heat turned off for this purpose. Gently blow away the dust from the painting and from the filigree around the frame.
When you take a picture down for cleaning, wipe the dust from the back of the painting as well, which we usually tend to ignore. Also, clean away the dust from the wall where the painting is hung. Make sure to clean every conceivable corner of the painting, this will help maintain the good health of the painting
If you think that there is something more on your painting than just dust, have a closer look at it and then refer an expert. Do not spoil your art by treating it yourself. It wouldn’t do you any good if your painting gets damaged with your amateurish efforts.
Some useful tips to safeguard artwork:
• Laminate your paintings
• Avoid steel or iron frames
• Refer an expert for cleaning
• Don’t hang an oil painting near a window
• Never put an oil painting behind a glass

There are many fine art galleries that offer cleaning kits along with paintings. If you are planning to clean it yourself, read the instructions on them carefully. But it is best to get your paintings cleaned from professionals, especially if you have spent a lot of money on them. It might charge you a little but it is better than ruining the whole thing.
The elegance of fine art is visible only when it is clean and taken care of, otherwise it is not more than an ordinary piece of decoration. So do your bit to keep your artwork sparkling.

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