Divorce Is A Dirty Word To Some

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Whenever there is a rift in a family, there will certainly be a need for an expert to come in and sort out the mess. When things go too far, and the family looks like it may have to split apart, then the divorce courts is where the whole show usually ends up. When this happens it is time to call in the experts in the guise of a family attorney to guide the individuals through this sad affair. A child support attorney may also be needed to work out the details as far as who pays what and to whom.

It is a sad state of affairs but some people will have their relationships irretrievably break down. When this occurs, they may be unable to work out who will take care of the children and who will support the other financially. This needs expert analysis of course and this is where the courts come into the picture.

In the court, the evidence of who is the main breadwinner and who is the one giving most care to the children will be taken into consideration. If the house is being bought then the court may well deem this to be the best place to leave the children with the primary care giver. The other party will have to leave but will probably be given visiting rights as long as there has been no violence within the relationship. If there has been violence, then this person will only be allowed supervised visitation rights so that the children are in no danger.

At times like these though, all the family members are normally too worked up to organize anything for themselves. Although there are many arbitrator services available, many of the broken relationships have gone too far to allow them to sit and talk peacefully together. One will want to win over the other, or one will want to spite the other for breaking up what should have been a happy home. When there is a third or fourth party involved then multiply the problems exponentially.

In the court the judge will listen to evidence from both sides. He is not really interested in who said or did what, as long as there was no violence. Indeed, these situations often come down to 'he said, she said' types of arguments and he has heard it all before for sure.

What he wants to do is to make sure that the children are taken care of with the assets of the couple no matter who is laying claim to them. If, for example, the wife is trying to clean out her husband because she found him cheating on her, the judge will only look at what the kids need to continue in the lifestyle that they are used to.

Their safety and future is all that he is interested in since the parents are adults and can do what they want to enjoy the rest of their lives. In the case of harassment though, he may well issue court orders to stop one from interfering in the life of the other so that they can live peacefully.


Stewart Wrighter has worked with a Henderson family attorney for an article he is writing on the topic of divorce. His sister hired a child support attorney to recover child support from her ex-husband.

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