DIRECT TV Premiere Big Brother on CBS

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Now that Ronnie the Rat has been exterminated, the drama has been kept to a dull roar. Russell spent some time trying to mend some fences (read: kissing Chima's butt) as he apologized for his blow-up earlier last week. He told her that people make mistakes, and he's owning up to his actions. Chima accepted his apology but said that she still didn't trust him. She wants a girl to win Big Brother this year, so she's thinking she's going to put up two guys. I'm thinking it doesn't matter what you do, Chima, because Jeff can change it all if he wants. Speaking of Jeff and his Coup D' Etat - nobody in the house knows who has this "mystery power" which they are now calling The Wizard, because wizards can do magical stuff. Make sense? Good. Just making sure.

To kick off the luxury challenge competition, the hamsters were treated to a surprise visit with a celebrity. "Entourage's" Jeremy Piven came ringing at their door, and once he was inside the house standing before them, a kind of shy, low-key hush fell over the group. If you think about it, it must be somewhat of a surreal moment - these peeps have been cooped up in the same house for weeks with the same people, and the first person they get to see from the outside world is a celebrity. And he also happens to be standing right in their living room. He was there to make the announcement that the winning team would get a special screening of his new movie The Goods. He showed a trailer of the movie which they seemed to respond to (though I would think ANY movie would look good after a month and a half of no TV, movies, or music) and then sent them off to the backyard for the start of the competition. One team was Jessie, Jordan, Russell, and Natalie; the other consisted of Jeff, Kevin, Lydia, and Michele. Chima could attend the screening as well as long as she chose the winning team beforehand. She chose her alliance Jessie's team, and it was a good choice on her part, because after packing the most items into their car that were worth the most points, they won. Each person from the winning team was then handed "commission checks" and whoever got the highest amount got to keep it. Russell was the winner with ten grand, which he wisely chose to downplay, knowing he was already a target. Jeff's losing team was also Have-Nots for the week. Maybe Jordan will slip him a cookie.

Later, in a conversation that caught me off guard, Chima revealed to her stunned housemates that she was once raped and almost killed by a serial killer (who was subsequently caught and put to death). She also told them about the two facial surgeries she had to undergo after the attack as a result of her injuries. I have to be honest here and say this really surprised me. Anyone who can fight through something like that and survive, and then continue on each day with a smile on her face, deserves a lot of respect. I can't even begin to imagine what she must have gone through. And though while she has never been one of my favorites, I definitely have a newfound respect for Chima.

Anyway, back to the petty drama of the house. Natalie and Jessie continued to act as if they were sewn together, and just when it seemed like Lydia was getting some alone time with Jessie, Natalie tiptoed in and suggested they go lay on the bed upstairs together. Like a good little puppy Jessie obeyed, which upset Lydia. Seriously, I don't know why this guy just doesn't say to her "Nah, I'm okay here, you go by yourself." Just once. I really don't think Natalie would know what to do with herself. She'd probably curl up in a ball at his feet and hug his leg. This co-dependency they've got going on is the main reason why I want Jeff to use to Coup D' Etat. I want him to put both Jessie and Natalie on the block so there is no choice but to send one of them home. I want to see one half of this little twosome struggle to survive without the other. Please, Jeff, for the love of all that's good and holy - use the Coup D' Etat on them!

Before we know it, it's nomination time. Jessie is sweating bullets but once Natalie pulls her key I think he assumes he's safe too. And he is. Jeff and Jordan are safe as well, and Jordan seems elated about that as she hands Jeff his key. Not surprisingly, Lydia and Russell are left on the block. Little do they know that Jeff the Wizard holds the key to their safety. Let's just hope he doesn't chicken out. He needs to think about his future game play, and both Jessie and Natalie are coming after him. This may be the only chance he gets to kill their alliance. Fingers crossed until next time!

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By: Frank Bilotta

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