Digging Up Some Recycling Facts

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In some papers, recycling is slandered as a lost cause and an inconsequential activity to the environment. Of course, the cliques who impugn the importance of recycling are also the same interests, in general, who became fat from doing business with blatant disregard for the environment. Just what is recycling and how significant is it to the environment and to all of us? Let's review some important recycling facts, as soon as we are clear about the meaning of recycling.

"Recycling involves processing used materials into new products to prevent waste of potentially useful materials."

Recycling conserves energy and resources by trimming down the need for raw material for the factories. It also serves to support the environment by scaling down on solid waste and pollution. It reduces the transmission of greenhouse fumes to the atmosphere by decreasing the burning of garbage and the burning of petroleum for manufacturing and transport.

Recycling facts about plastic

Plastic, a creation of our modern consumption-driven society, was previously proclaimed as a revolutionary discovery - it even earned an award in the World's Fair in London in 1862. It's lightweight, moldable, and long lasting. Lamentably, over time, it is this very durability of plastic that has surfaced to be an ecological debacle for us. A piece of plastic cast off today takes a very long time to break down, it will persist for at least 5 centuries before bio-degradation.

Most plastics can be recycled, it's puzzling why the majority of us don't recycle. A promising new application has been announced the other week that could feed more motivation for us to recycle plastic waste. A company in Washington, D.C. called Envion, has recently bared its new recycling facility that could process all plastic garbage and change these into fuel. Hopefully, this will function as stipulated - it could prove to be the key to solve to the earth's plastic pollution headache.

Recycling plastics save twice as much energy compared to burning these in an incinerator.

Are you familiar with the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? It's estimated to be double the size of Texas and contains as much as 100 million tons of plastic waste. Through a process known as photodegradation, the plastic in the ocean is splitting into minute pieces and are eaten by fish and other ocean organisms, which we consume - the plastic we nonchalantly threw away has returned via the food chain to torment us all.

Recycling facts about paper

Dailies like The Daily Telegraph or The Los Angeles Times, or your very own Main Street Gazette are griping that subscriptions have been progressively declining in the past few years as readers are now sourcing their news online. The paperless Information Age may herald the disappearance of our printed broadsheets, but it's certainly a boon to the rain forests.

To come up with a single weekend version of every news journal in the US, half a million trees needed to be chopped down for their pulp to produce all that paper. In America, 85,000,000 tons of paper are discarded annually - that's about 680 lbs. for every person in this country.

If you have a Mac in your house wired to the interwebs, please stop ALL subscriptions to physical edition of your daily or favorite glossy. If only ten percent of news journals bought and discarded in this country is reused, that's equal to preventing the destruction of 25,000,000 trees yearly.

Recycling facts about metal

Like plastic, aluminium is also very hardy and will stay intact in the landfill for a very long time. An aluminum can thrown away in a landfill today will stay there for the next one thousand years! The aluminum cans we trash every year is enough to remake the whole US commercial air fleet three times over.

Turning in 1 ton of aluminum is equivalent to storing energy to power an average American home for 10 years! Aluminum containers are the superb depiction for what is known as closed-loop recycling model. This implies that all post-consumer aluminum container may be recycled to produce a brand new can, which you can find in your local supermarket in as short as 4 weeks - closed-loop, nothing wasted.

A few in the academe suggest that recycling today is both uneconomical and useless. These people propose that we hoard all trash in landfills now and bide our time for an invention to surface that would make it more systematic and cheaper to mine landfills and drag the oceans for all the amassed trash, and recycle these into fresh items for us. I certainly look forward to that day, but in the meantime, we have to manage pollution, deficiency of materials, carbon emissions, and overflowing landfills. It's our planet - no one else will defend it, there's just us. Let's recycle today, and educate ourselves about recycling facts in our libraries and on the internet.

Michael Arms writes about recycling facts and other topics for the Pacebutler Recycling Blog. Pacebutler Corporation is a U.S. cell phone trading company - you may sell, recycle, or donate cell phones to your favorite charity through Pacebutler.

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