Different Types of Liposuction

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Many people want to achieve fitter, trimmer bodies because of aesthetic reasons. To achieve such body shapes, these people try to lose weight through diet and exercise. However, these natural methods are not effective for all people, especially those who are looking to trim excess fats from specific parts of their bodies. Many of these people resort to liposuction to get their preferred body shapes.

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery procedure commonly sought by both men and women. Developments in technology allow cosmetic surgeons to improve the methods used in the surgical procedure. Modern liposuction methods are generally considered safer and more effective than the traditional procedures surgeons previously performed.

Liposuction procedures commonly performed today include:

Tumescent Liposuction This is the oldest and the most commonly performed liposuction procedure today. During a tumescent liposuction procedure, a cosmetic surgeon first injects medicated fluids and localized anesthesia into the area of the body to be operated on.

These fluids cause the fats in the area to be swollen and firm, making it easier for the surgeon to control the operation. Although the procedure uses less advanced technology, the procedure guarantees positive results in most cases.

Laser-assisted Liposuction This is the second most commonly used los angeles liposuction method available today. In this type of liposuction, a Los Angeles surgeon melts down body fats through a surgical laser. Once the fats are melted, the surgeon suctions the fat out of the patient’s body. Most people opt for this procedure because surgical lasers reduce the amount of muscle trauma, bruises, and scars caused by liposuction. However, the success of laser liposuction depends greatly on the skill of the surgeon.

Water-assisted Liposuction This is the one of the most recently developed los angeles liposuction methods. Despite its relatively short history, the procedure enjoys a widespread popularity among patients. Many patients who opt for water-assisted liposuction state that it is more effective than laser-assisted liposuction. However, many people consider these claims insubstantial due to the procedure’s newness.

While these different los angeles liposuction methods have the same goal, these employ different sets of equipment and methods of operation. The type of liposuction procedure usually depends on the physiological needs of the patient, as prescribed by a professional cosmetic surgeon.

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