Different Shapes of Paint Brush

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Paint brushes that are used by artists in wall painting have different types just like how they started drawing during their early years. Pencils have numbers and those numbers would tell you how sharp, how thick, and how bright the markings will be when in used to draw or to sketch. This goes the same for paint brushes. They too have different types and numbers.
Some artists maybe particular with paint brushes’ numbers but this does not matter to most. What matters more are the shapes of the brushes that are designed to serve different strokes. Visual artists most especially those who are well versed with wall paintings can even tell in one glance which among the shapes of paint brushes is used just by looking at the stroke. Different shapes are flats, filberts, brights, and rounds. Each of these shapes has particular effects to different paint brush strokes like parallel, crescent, curved, triangular, blend, and edge.

You can tell that the brush is flats if it looks narrow on the side and the tip which includes the hair itself is shaped as rectangular and which the length is longer than the width. This is the most used brush of the artist. You can make broad or narrow stroke with flats. Triangular shape can be best done by this type of brush, too. If there is another shape of paint brush that has big resemblance with flats, then it must be filbert. Only with this kind, the tip is more of oval in shape. If you want to come up with a softer edge, you can use filbert instead in blending than using flats.

If the artists want to have more control of his strokes, he would better opt for brights. Brights brushes are stiffer and shorter than flats. Also, the tendency when this shape is used, thick stroke of paint colours are created. Visualize flats with less stiff and long hair. You can then imagine that one stroke creates thin and widely spread colour paint as opposed to using brights with stiff hairs that seem to be closely sticking with one another. The moment you use this to paint, it will create thicker paint because of the paint concentrated in a mass.

From this we can tell that those who can paint can easily make a replica of the artworks for sale that is posted online just by studying the stroke, colour blends, and the shape of brushes used in each stroke. Going back to brush shape, there is also round. Round is often made of sable hair which means they are intended for fine and intricate details of the artwork. Aside from these brushes of different shapes, varnish brush is also necessary to polish the end-product of the wall painting.

The author, Shannon, is the co-founder of Artyii, an online sale platform of Asian emerging artists. He specializes in acquiring quality wall paintings at good prices for art lovers worldwide. He has also assisted those who were looking for artwork for sale and those who loved to buy art online.

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