Dermatology – how eczema is treated?

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Eczema is a skin disease, which is also called dermatitis in the field of dermatology. A common skin problem causes skin to become swollen, rash, itchiness and irritation. At times, it appears like scaly and crusty patches on skin. The main cause of this problem is not known in dermatology yet but it can aggravate due to different reasons for example some people get this due to frequent exposure to detergent, metal or anything they are allergic with. It is a common skin problem but it is not dangerous.

As eczema is not one specific skin condition it has different, types and sometimes people develop more than one type. For example, atopic eczema is developed before the age of 5; it causes dryness, irritation and itchiness on skin and requires daily care. Contact dermatitis is caused by contact with different things such as jewelry or a specific material. Dyshidrotic dermatitis occurs on palms, sides of fingers and soles of feet; this causes itching sensation and blistering rash. There are several types of eczema and have different causes. According to dermatology, it is not contagious.

Before we talk about its treatment, we should focus on the prevention because, prevention is better than cure. To avoid exacerbating eczema you should avoid a few things.

• Use of hot bath and strong soaps/ detergents.
• Do not wear tight clothes or itchy material.
• Avoid the activities that make your skins bothered for example sun bathing or heavy sweating exercises.
• Do not take excessive stress; at times, it aggravates your eczema.
• Avoid scratching that area; it inflames the irritated skin.
• Avoid contact with washing detergent directly; use gloves before washing dishes.

There is variety of treatment options available for this condition depending upon its type.

One of the most common problems of eczema is itching; people scratch the problem area, which can only worsen the problem so itch relief drugs that are available at chemist can treat it but there are certain creams that are very strong and have harmful side effects. These can only be purchased with the prescription of a doctor. These creams contain cortisone that has anti-inflammatory effect. You may need to try a number of creams to determine which one suits you.

Moisturizer is an essential part of eczema treatment. You need to use moisturizer to avoid dryness. Antibiotic may give you relief from itchiness. Oral antihistamines are suggested by some dermatologist to get relief from the irritation and itchiness.
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