Deceptive Tibetan Influence on United States of America

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Scaling up of the Tibetan Non secular Assault on the U.S.

Few folk know that the 1st audience that the President gave to the Dali was the week of the passage of the Healthcare Bill. A "Healing Mandala was done in the nation's Cathedral that week also. Was this administration dabbling in aided sorcery to get this bill passed?

Dali Lama was in San Jose and Sunnyvale ( Silicon Valley ) October 11-12 hosted by Representative Michael Honda, Left winger that is on the House Appropriations Committee. Michael Honda is a Japanese American. Note three things here. Date October eleven, Handling economy and appropriations, and the link to Japan. San Jose, Sunnyvale, Palo Alto and San Francisco where appearances were made are all on major tremor fault lines.

Fast forward to Japan, the Dali Lama was in Japan on November 11, 2010 for the eleventh yearly gathering of Nobel Peace Laureates, in Hiroshima. Note three things here, Date Nov 11,
Japan, the Nuclear affected city of Hiroshima.

Everyone knows what happened March 11.

Dali Lama resigned as political head of Tibet on March fourteen, 2011 so he could focus on spiritual activities. ( bringing to summation the sorcery of geomancy by which he has been gaining spiritual authority over the world and especially the U.S. ) All the ground work has been laid in the U.S. During the past fifteen years. I might accept that these coming activities are planned to put the epee thru the heart to utilize a metaphor.

Intercessors and warriors this is a call to arms, as this may be our last opportunity to stop this non secular terrorism that's attacking our country.

Major Dali Lama Coming events in Southern California and Washington D.C.

On March 10, 1933 at 5:55 pm a major tremor ( 6.4 ) happened in Long Beach California. But this was really on March 11, Universal Coordinated Time

May 1, 2011 in the morning at the Terrace Theater in Long Beach The Solitary Yamantaka initiation that His Holiness will confer in Long Beach on May 1, 2011, is a Secret Mantra empowerment of the highest class, known as Highest Yoga Tantra. Yamantaka is a wrathful expression of Manjushri, the bodhisattva of wisdom.

2pm that afternoon will be a public address.

From California the Dali Lama is going to Minneapolis May 8-9th the head waters of the Mississippi which flows along the New Madrid Fault line which is six times larger than the San Andreas Fault in California. This fault was accountable for the largest quake in the history of the U.S. In 1811. The fault runs thru portions of Illinois, Indiana, Missouri, Arkansas, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi. Are you aware of the fact that FEMA is shaping up for a major earthquake drill in this area in May 2011 and has been putting out requests for sources and the purchase of millions of blankets, food packets and body bags.

Dali Lama will be at the Varsity of Arkansas, Fayetteville on May 11, 2011 not right on the fault line, but a center of a bunch of latest tremors that may be related to the natural gas extraction in this area.

Then Newark N.J. May 12-13th.

July 6-16 Washington DC numerous events, mandalas and initiations all primarily based on the Kalachakra Tantra ( Time God ) Intended to change the age of the Earth. ( out of the Christian age into Aquarius and the rule of the Chakravartin )

There are 722 realms called upon in the Kalachakra mandala

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Please pass this info on to other intercessors and soldiers who have ears to hear and eyes to see and some experience of the nature of this spiritual attack.

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