Cure Hemorrhoids With Extra Drinking Water

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Many professional medical representatives encourage hemorrhoids sufferers drink a lot of water to cure hemorrhoids, I would like to discuss more detail how much the water needed, for average healthy person, it is naturallyto take 8 glass of water per day, or 2 liter of water.

For particular people, due to daily activities, they will sweat a lot, as such the amount of water needed is to increase accordingly, may be up to 5 liter per day. The function ofnatural water circulation inside the body, part of it filter out through our sweat, certain amount use forinnerbody usage, maintaining the blood circulation and liquidity, the body will automatically retain the amount we need, the extra will be filter out the body through urine.

Artists, stage performers,sportmen and a lot of people whose work involve physical activities, it is likely even they take a lot of drinking water, they seldom go to the wash room, as most of the water has been filter out through sweating, but for average people, once the water is exceed the body required, they will go to toilet more frequent. It will not help much to hemorrhoids cure.

Kidney is to filter out extra water inside our body, if under a long time, our kidney is always over work to filter the additional water, before we can totally cure hemorrhoids, we will get into disturbance of kidney illness. That will cause one extra illness beside the hemorrhoids pain.

It is advisable that if normally you take 8 glass of water, extra 50% of drinking water will be your body limit, that is 12 glass of water per day. You can apply the same method if you sweat a lot.

E.G. Construction workers ,traffic policemen, farmer ,athletes who work or have activities under the hot sun; bad environment, they always sweat a lot , they may take up to 5 liter of water per day, again it depend on individual.

Please bear in mind, the natural treatment of hemorrhoids cure is to recover the human immune system, what we take shall not exceed our individual body capacity or our individual capability of processing the water. If the amount of drinking water more than our body limit required, it will create second problem to us.

Conclusion is ensure drinking water within our body limit for hemorrhoids cure, and increase the amount of drinking water slowly from week to week, suppose you take 8 glass of drinking water for the 1st week, then take 10 glass of drinking water for 2nd week, and 12 glass of water for the 3rd weeks, maintain this amount for few 4weeks to 12weeks, monitor any improvement to your hemorrhoids. That is the limit of drinking water can do to improve the hemorrhoids or cure hemorrhoids pain.

You need to observe your stool, is it become more dampness?The dampness stool will reduce the bleeding, improve constipation, reduce hemorrhoids pain.Compare 1st week result to12 weeks result by taking some photos if you can, and keep it confidentially.

Take precaution for any article that ask you to take a lot of water to cure hemorrhoids.

Sunny Ng give personal opinions from a typical Asean's point of view ,observe from personal life experience and ancestor teaching, cover issues from health, happiness and individual development.

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