Creative Style Blanket Chests

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Some people seem to think that the only styles of blanket chests are too traditional and perhaps a little boring. With very little searching, you can find really wonderfully styled blanket chests or you can personalize the one of your choice.

There are many wood artisans who like to create new styles of blanket chests, also known in some parts of the country as hope chests. Some have used old stylings to come up with new ideas. Art Nouveau is one style that has lent itself very easily to the creation of blanket chests with a smooth flowing line rather than the blanket box square treatment. This style has also been used as an outside design element with its smooth interlocking flowing method. Flowers and vines flowing together have made very plain blanket chests into beautiful ones. This is usually done with the design added to the top of the wood so that it creates a three dimensional effect. By also using different shades and types of wood, you would not feel the need to color your design with paint or use different shades of stain. Your design would be able to stand out with the wood grain and color emphasizing the floral design.

Sulfur inlay for designs is a method that was used many years ago. Many seventeenth and eighteenth-century Pennsylvania made furniture, especially blanket chests, were decorated with sulfur inlay. This was done by first carving out a shallow decorative design into the hope chests using very sharp wood chisels. From there, molten sulfur was carefully poured into the incisions. This material was a creamy ivory in coloration. Along with the sulfur inlay used in their beautiful designs, ivory, shell, contrasting colored wood and bone were additional materials placed into the wood chiseled incisions. This inlay was very fine in detail so that all of the designs created were very sophisticated in appearance. This method style is not used very often in present day. It is mainly one that is used by artisans wishing to recreate blanket chests from times past. These reproduction hope chests are constructed using the exact same handcraft skills and methods.

Detailed painted designs are another favorite way to add distinctiveness to blanket chests. Hex designs, which are symbols meant to bring good luck to households by preventing evils spirits from entering, are a charming and nostalgic addition to hope chests. These beautiful designs of German origin are easily recognized favorites. They are brightly colored usually depicting the tree of life, flowing vines, hearts, and birds along with the circular motifs. All of the colors and each particular design contain meaning so it would be a fun project to create a design for your blanket chest that would have special meaning for you and your family.

Normally geometric in design, hex symbols are very complimentary when painted on blanket chest furniture. Each of these symbols have their own meanings such as birds (distelfinks) for good luck the star for luck, the tree of life for longevity, hearts for love and kindness, tulip for faith,horse head for protecting against animal disease and buildings from lightning strikes, 3 tulips for faith, hope and charity, rain drops for fertility, abundance and rain, doves for peace and contentment,triple star for success, sun wheel for warmth and fertility, the circle for eternity or infinity, four pointed star for a bright day, eagle for good health, strength and courage, maple leaf for contentment, oak leaf for strength, 4 quarter moons for the seasons of the year, rosette for good luck and to keep away bad luck and evil, twelve pointed rosette for a joyous month each month of the year, wealth and happiness, unicorn for virtue, piety and the belief in God and wavy border for smooth sailing through life.

Blanket chests are made in many styles and wood types so it is easy to find a wood chest that will compliment your decor. You can choose a custom made hope chest with wonderful styling or you can add painted or carved designs to give it a personal touch. Beautiful examples of finely handcrafted blanket chests can be found at Blanket Chest created by skilled wood artisans.

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