Consumer Report

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Internet indeed has become an ideal place to share your personal opinion, experiences, problems, information, solutions etc. With the net connection becoming a part of each and every household today, the option of sharing one's views and opinions has become even more convenient. The desire and easy accessibility to share one's opinion has resulted in many websites featuring product assessments and product reports. Product reports are generated mostly by consumers or experts who have a viewpoint on a particular category of product or service.

Difference between Product Review and Product Report:
"A product report can also be called as a product review; however a product review may not be termed as a product report"

A product review is a simple praise or criticism expressed by the end customer after experiencing the performance of a product or service. A product report, on the other hand, is an evaluation made by a consumer or an expert regarding a product or service of a company. A consumer report is a combination of consumer reviews, features of the product/service, data/figures associated with the product/service etc. Consumer reports also provide ratings of the product on different attributes. Most of the times, these are contributed by the consumers themselves.

These consumer reports are brief and can often be quite informative for prospective buyers. They also are the most sought after and important resource of information over the internet. One can observe a steady demand for such consumer reports for various product categories on websites and publications. Most of these reports are generated by the websites after careful and measured evaluation of opinions and voting given by the consumers. These consumers may or may not be anonymous people, as websites take distinct measures in providing access to people to submit a report after ensuring their bonafide status.

There are various websites which provide extensive consumer reports on a wide range of products and services. has a complete array of products, wherein consumers are invited to poll their opinion on the products and rate them. Hence, it not only provides consumers with an opportunity to submit a praise/criticism for a product but also invites them to rate the product or service. The product is rated on various attributes such as design, after-sales services, durability, price worthiness, performance, maintenance cost etc. The website also offers a comprehensive rating of the products on the basis of reviews and opinions shared by the consumers over a period of time. It keeps a close track on the total number of praises, criticisms, complaints etc submitted for a specific product/service.

However, we should not ignore the fact that all these reviews and consumer reports are individual opinions expressed on these websites, and do not hold any consequence whatsoever to the website itself. It should not be assumed as a representative opinion as most of these consumers are self selected and do not represent a specific sample. Thus, a product should not be judged completely on these opinions; though a consumer report certainly qualifies higher in terms of accuracy than a consumer review.

Jhon writes about Consumer Protection and Consumer Complaints, Consumers can get more information on Consumer Reports by logon to

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