Communications And Motivation

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Eighty per cent of our time is spent communicating. It cuts across every other activity. To be successful, you must communicate with everyone inside and outside of the organisation. But, there is no such animal as a communicator. We never communicate; we transmit.

Communication is not an activity that can be done by an individual. No one can communicate; it is an activity conducted between at least two consenting animals. There are three flows in effective communications: sending a message, receiver acknowledges that it has been received; sender confirms that the receiver has received the message.

Consider this three-flow process in the commercial world. First, we transmit messages that we have products and services for sale. Second, a potential buyer sends an order or enquiry. Third, we acknowledge receipt of the response or even send the product.

Don't communicate to people, communicate with them.

If you're going to be successful through the work of others, you must motivate them. This is not easy. You can't really motivate people except by applying a boot to their rear end. With a good kick, they'll be motivated a metre or so; if they're standing near the cliff edge, they will go far.

You motivate people by creating conditions in which they will motivate themselves. Once you understand this, you will appreciate that it's not something you do every Friday afternoon; it is a continuing process that you have to work at.

All your subordinates should know and all your actions should prove, that achieving an organisation's objectives is not their sole responsibility. It is a team job with the people at the center, at all levels, in the branches, face-to-face with clients, all being equally responsible for successes and, more important, for failures.

Like people
No matter how much you know about managing, people respond better to your leadership if they like you than if they do not. The ability to make people like you is one of the most valuable talents you can develop. It makes all your other talents more productive. So, what makes people like you?
• Good humour.
• Kindness and thoughtfulness.
• Appreciating other's feelings and interests.
• Knowing that they are every bit as important to themselves and their family as you are to yours.

• Fairness in considering their interests as well as your own.
• Utter lack of snobbishness.

Failing to achieve these will cause more ill will and discontent than anything else.

If you are standing upright, don't worry if your shadow is crooked. Temper gets you into trouble; pride keeps you there.

You make more friends by becoming interested in other people than by trying to interest them in yourself.

If you want to succeed, develop a sense of time. Realise that it's precious. Every hour, every minute, has but one purpose ? accomplishment. That's what time is for. When you want an appointment with a busy person, ask for an outlandish time. "Can you see me at ten to nine? Ii may sound odd but I need all the time I can have with you, and I have another appointment later."

Forget the past. No one becomes successful in the past.

If you want your subordinates (or children) to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders.

Next time you think you're all-powerful, try ordering someone else's dog around.

Some medical people say that cheerful people resist disease better than unhappy ones. Not only does the early bird catch the worm, the surly bird catches the germ.

No business can progress without leadership. In the final analysis, leadership is the only real advantage one organisation has over another in a competitive society. Three words will help you to success: make yourself useful.

Beware of the wasgonnas in organisations, especially those who work for and with you. As you grow and expand, you will rely more and more on subordinates and other people. Carrying too many wasgonnas will slow you down.

They are always about to do what you wanted done last week. When you ask them how things are going, they reply, "I was gonna do that today
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