Communication through Tags: Are Android Application Development Companies NFC-Ready?

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Circumvented with a variety of Patent issues, Android still manages to be the top selling platform in the smart phone world. With almost half a million successful app submissions, apparently Android application development companies have a lot more to offer to its consumers. What keeps me wondering is its potential. From streamlining businesses to managing your daily chores, Android allows its users to do everything through its applications. Not only does it expand its application types, but Android expands its technological worth as a whole. From Android Robot to the newest NFC technology, this platform keeps awing its users with something new every time.
NFC technology: An open challenge for Android application development companies
Augmented as Near Field Communication, NFC technology is a new thing on the block. However, techies do have some idea about what it does. To introduce NFC formally, it is a set of standards for wireless devices especially smart phones and tablets to establish radio communication by bringing the devices together in close proximity.

Till now, NFC was publicized for cashless transactions. It was discovered that NFC can be used in Google wallets to allow consumers forget their cash and cards at home, while they were travelling with their smart phones. Along with this interesting feature, NFC has now been chanced upon to perform better things. Yes, NFC tags have made it possible for Android application development companies to build a variety of apps based on NFC, provided the companies have enough skills.
NFC tags
Till now, it is clear that devices can communicate through NFC technology. We say communication is also possible between the unpowered NFC chips called NFC tags. NFC tags are easily available in Android stores. Majority of Android application development companies are aware of its availability.
NFC tags are programmable chips and programming NFC tags is no rocket science provided you have an Android device with NFC capabilities. Any user who loves to play with Android can avail these tags and program it according to his needs. These tags are like stickers, just scan it with your phone and stick on the most convenient place where your smart phone often dwells.

NFC tags are invented so that users’ phones automatically adjust according to environment. For example, when you reach home, you want your phone to enable Wi-Fi, decrease brightness, disable Bluetooth and auto sync. Using an NFC app that allows tag functioning (NFC task launcher available in Android market) you can program the tag to “switch”. So just tap the tag when you enter home and tap it again to recuperate the settings on moving out (like disabling Wi-Fi).
NFC tags are capable. It can also perform some of the complex functions depending on what you program it for. For now, NFC tags are seen performing a plethora of things with just a tap.
Real-time application and future possibilities
Android application development companies have designed masterpieces to enable users perform simple, yet tedious chores on the go.
Place an NFC tag on your washing machine and tap it. It will fire up the timer. This helps users to enjoy shopping while their washing machine can be controlled via a smart phone. Tags allow controlling many such electronic devices. Such apps are easily available with Google Play.
As NFC is still making its way to the mainstream, third-parties and Android application development companies haven’t developed much on NFC. In fact, the lack of NFC awareness is the main reason why it is not yet integrated into a wide range of products or services. So far, only Google Wallet has taken an initiative to build NFC-enabled infrastructure that would replace credit cards, which may take longer to go public due to non-availability of NFC-ready credit cards. The problem is a hefty investment and lot of time. However, investment on NFC would yield good returns if users understand how beneficial its implementation would be; And if manufacturers create better and functional NFC-ready phones and tablets.

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