Common Skin Diseases

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Many different skin problems can arise in the aquarium. thankfully, through careful observation on a daily basis, they can be diagnosed and treated. Carefully check your fish on a daily basis, looking for abnormal growths, any change in the body of the fish, or damage to the scales, fins, or body covering.

We will cover various afflictions and diseases of the skin in this article, some more prevalent than others. The most important thing to remember is if you notice any strange markings, itching, burning or anything out of the ordinary on any part of your body, make sure you visit your dermatologist as soon as possible.

Acne is a disorder resulting from the action of hormones on the skin's oil glands, which leads to plugged pores and outbreaks of lesions commonly called pimples. Acne lesions usually occur on the face, neck, back, chest, shoulders or other body parts.

The most common complaint about skin is acne. Most people think that acne is caused by poor cleanliness. This is not true. Acne is often genetic and caused by the oiliness of the skin that is natural. Hormones can also cause breakouts of acne. And, acne does not always occur on the face. It can occur on any area of the skin.

Cheyletiellosis in cats is caused by skin mites and is particularly contagious between cats as well as humans. In cats, the symptoms are itching and it usually results in heavy scaling and flaking of the skin, which is why Cheyletiellosis in cats is popular known as "walking dandruff". This skin condition is usually not deadly and can be easily treated with the right medication once the condition has been diagnosed and confirm.

Flea Infestation

Since the reservoir of fleas is predominantly in the environment, and jump onto the human from there, one might argue that this is not strictly transmitted from the animal. However, it is introduced into the household by the animal and therefore falls into this category.

Go in for skin products that are natural, chemical free and easily absorbed by the skin. While symptoms of seborrhea can be greatly reduced, by applying pure, organic coconut oil on the affected part. Usually it affects the scalp so massage a fair amount of the oil and leave it for some time before washing with shampoos that have zinc pyrithione, nizoral and salicylic acid.

Most skin problems are irritating and frustrating, but rarely serious, though they can often be a cause of embarrassment. Particularly difficult to deal with are ailments such as vitiligo which cause changes in the pigmentation of the skin. This can be a source of heartbreak for the sufferer, but fortunately with advances in medical science new treatments and even cures are being developed every day.

Information on skin cancer confirms that a growth, an abnormal accumulation of cells, even a pimple that does not go away can be typical early signs of the disease. These marks normally occur on areas of the skin that are exposed to sunlight, like the face, neck, back and arms. However they can appear anywhere on the body.

Read About Beauty Tips Also Read About Common Skin Diseases and Treat Oily Skin

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