Chocolate Frosting Recipe

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A delicious easy Chocolate Frosting Recipe

Summary: Chocolate frosting is simple and easy

to make but everyone always has their little

secrets when making cakes and frosting.

The basic ingredients of frosting are essential

and the secret ingredient is what makes a

chocolate frosting recipe special. This is a

recipe comes from a third generation farm house

in South Africa.

The farm is called Zonderend which means "without

end" which was once a trading post where the

Zulu's and the Voortrekkers used to barter live

stock and produce back in the late eighteen

hundreds before it became an agricultural farm.

And still today the two majestic towering oak

trees which were once the trading post are well

over a hundred and fifty years old still stand

strong and tall

Dark Chocolate Frosting Recipe

Preparation time: 15 minutes


3 cups of refined icing sugar
6 tablespoons of coco powder
6 tablespoons of softened butter

6 tablespoons of Ideal Milk or fresh cream
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
1/2 slab of dark chocolate


Use a double boiler and melt the ½ slab of dark

Sift the icing sugar and coco powder
Mix the butter, icing sugar and coco powder

together in a mixing bowl until it has a creamy

Add the vanilla essence
Take the melted chocolate and fold into the

butter, icing sugar and coco powder mixture
Last of all add the Ideal Milk or cream and fold

it into the mixture
The frosting must have a soft spreading texture

You are now reading ice your rich moist chocolate

cake. Crush some nuts up such as pecans and mix

with some apricot jam and spread onto one of the

halves of the cake then spread a layer of

frosting and put the other half on top Continue

to ice the whole cake and when completed sprinkle

some chopped nuts on top of the cake and add some


The owner of Zonderend gave me this recipe to

share with others which was his great, great

Grandmothers recipe. In those times the butter

and cream were made on this farm. You will use

this recipe time and again as it is really

delicious and make a chocolate cake really


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