Cheap Make-Up Techniques

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There are many cheap make-up techniques that one can do to still look fabulous. We discuss ways to save on clothes, make-up, shoes, nail art, accessories and hair dye.
As far as clothes are concerned, trends always come back more often than you would expect in a lifetime. The best thing to do is keep clothes that have already become dated and simply store them for future use. Before you know it, you will be using them again in a few years. If you cannot afford to store them because of space issues, you can simply alter the clothes you have now and make them look trendy. You can cut and sew on your own or bring them to a seamstress. Also, whenever you buy clothes, think of them as an investment. As such, consider if you would still wear them five years from now. If you do not generally like to follow trends and are aiming for a more classic look, then you are on the safe side. Stick to plain colours for mixing and matching. Chances are, you will be wearing your clothes until you have worn them out.

For make-up, there are ones that you should invest on and ones that you can scrimp on. The ones that you invest on are foundation, mineral make-up, concealers and blush because these are what you use every day. Plus, these are make-up that should be safe to use for your skin type because not having the right make-up can cause one to have skin allergies and break-outs. Also, more expensive make-up contains minerals that are actually healthy for your skin. Eye shadows, liners, mascaras and lipstick are those that you can scrimp on because they simply are not risky to use. Old eye shadows can still be used by scraping them off from the palette and mixing them with another colour. Do not hesitate to experiment. These are old and will end up in the trash anyway if you do not use them. Similarly, you can always use two shades of lipstick to create an entirely different colour instead of buying a new one. Mascara and liners are only applied minimally. It really would not make a difference if they are expensive or not. If you notice, these are make-up that has been in your make-up collection for as long as you remember and they never seem to run out simply because they are rarely used. Just like what you wear, you use a different shade of shadow everyday to match your outfit. Also, cheap make-up does not generally mean that they are no good. You will be surprised to see some cheap brands to match the quality of the more expensive brands. The bottom line is that as long as you apply make-up the right way and look flawless, you would not make a difference from a person wearing more expensive make-up. In fact, you may even look prettier if you are more skilled in make-up application.

As for nail art, you can also experiment by mixing different colours of nail polish. People rarely finish a whole bottle of polish within a six month period. By this time, the quality of the nail polish has been reduced severely and will eventually be thrown out. As far as nail polish is concerned, a more expensive brand will not look any different from a cheaper brand.
As for hair dye, it is best to invest in a more expensive brand if you have dry hair as cheaper brands may be too harsh for you. Expensive brands treat your hair better by having more conditioning elements. On the other hand, if you have perfectly healthy hair, do not be afraid to buy cheaper brands. Also, if you do not want hair dye to be permanent, you have cheaper alternatives such as those that can be washed out. This is extremely practical especially if you would like to experiment with your hair.
With all of these cheap make-up techniques, there is no excuse not to look good because you deserve it and you can afford it. Go for the nail art and hair dye you have been dying to try. After all, fashion is and will forever be every girls best friend.

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