Changing scenario of satellite TV

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It's been long since televisions have been included in our list of basic necessity and these day's satellite receivers, free to air receivers have completely changed the purpose for which televisions were used earlier. Now, with the satellite receivers we can almost view five to six channels at a time, you can even have access to recording facilities in your TV through the satellite receivers. These receivers have reached the age of technological sophistications, high quality along with affordable and economical options. The service of satellite TVs started in the early 1990s; it was initially welcomed by the TV enthusiasts and people who sought quality as their first preference.

During that point of time, the service was inconvenient because the people who installed the satellite receivers required ample space for the installation in their house yards. Thus, the service was overwhelmed by people who had ample space in their house yards, because at that point of time the dishes were not as compact as today which can just easily fit on the roof tops. The satellite TV did have potential benefits of viewing options; it affected the cable and broadcast systems during that time. There are number of cable TV packages that we use today have been started with the onset of satellite TV keeping in mind the special interest viewers.

Functioning: Satellite TV systems function with the same principle of broadcast TV. The signal is transferred through air which in turn is picked up by the TV antennas. The signal broadcasts in straight line and it moves out to space because of Earth's curvature. To receive the broadcast signals, you will have to be in sight line with the antenna. It is quite interesting to know that distant broadcast towers are not visible because of the atmospheric pressure except when the day is exceptionally clear. You might have noticed that in some areas the signals become weak particularly in hilly areas where people erect large antenna towers so that they can collect signals that are not reachable because of the surrounding landscape.

 Hence, there are number of similarities that satellite TV has with broadcast TV but there several differences like the line of sight issue.  The signal is being broadcasted from a higher point than the antenna tower; hence the reach of the signal is much farther. Satellites travel in the geosynchronous orbit which is present around the earth, this indicates that the satellites are moving in the same speed in which the earth rotates and thereby they are in the same part of the planet. The best part about this technology is that as the relative position of the satellites is constant, only the satellite dish needs to be aimed once. Further, the digital quality is very good because the signal reaches from a constant immovable source, so there is no need to worry about changing the direction of the antenna every now and then which was quite prevalent with the broadcast signals.

Daniel is an expert SEO copywriter for Viewsat tv. He written many articles like Satellite signal finder, buy sonicview, conaxsat cnx, free to air satellite system and more. For more information visit our site Contact me at

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