Change of UI design: Nokia’s Lumia phones

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Nokia’s smartphone Lumia has a similar UI design to comparable devices by Samsung or Apple. All three companies are increasingly trying to impress their users and want to outdo one another with an interface design that is both attractive and practical to use. Nokia has recently changed its UI design by adding an icon to directly purchase Groupon daily discount vouchers. But will this change to the UI design be accepted by its users? This article tries to illustrate the advantages and disadvantages of including an advertising icon in the interface design of a smartphone.

What does the term UI design mean?

UI design is short for “user interface design”. An interface is the point of interaction between two components. In the case of a touchscreen device, the two components would be the user who is navigating the device and the screen itself. The layout and visual part of the interface that is controlled by the user is called the “user interface design,” or UI design.

Optimizing the UI design – what should a UX expert consider?

One might believe that the only thing web specialists have to think about is how a UI design can best satisfy its users. Of course the user interface design is a decisive factor in whether people will enjoy using a device, which can influence purchasing decisions. The visual side is very important for the user, but nowadays with external advertisers impacting parts of the UI design, it is important to think about what they would like the user to achieve from the UI. In the case of Groupon, it is for users to download and use the voucher of the day.

Groupon as a fixed icon in the UI design of Nokia’s Lumia phones

Lumia phone users from the United States will now find a new green icon with a ‘G’ on their application list. By clicking on it you might buy a voucher from the company, which works together with different brands offering time limited discount vouchers for a lot of companies and products. 50% discount for the next dinner at your favorite restaurant, a trial lesson with an English instructor or no joining fee for the gym. Now every available voucher can be bought by clicking on this new icon and a few other clicks.

Is adding an advertising icon to the UI design of devices a good idea?

Nokia said that the company is interested in earning money with the new look of the UI design. However, they are not trying to compete with other device manufactures. Instead they are competing with the search engine giant, Google. By adding the Groupon icon to the UI design, the voucher seller is able to pursue a more localized strategy. To take advantage of the user’s location is a good opportunity to make Groupon’s selling strategy more local and it is one step towards mitigating the monopoly of Google. It remains to be seen if the UI design will be accepted as the change reopens the question of personalized advertising. Some users will be happy to receive offers which are optimized according to their actions and location. Others certainly will take this as an invasion of privacy and won’t be happy about this added icon in the new UI design of Nokia’s Lumia phone.


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=================–Interface Design, Wireframe, Wireframes, Wireframe Software, UI design, Interface Design Software, Online Wireframe Tool, Wireframe Tool, GUI Prototyping, Clickable Wireframes, Usability Testing and Digital Paper Prototyping.

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